Anyone ever have a discogram?


Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.

I'm scheduled to have a discogram next week. I have three herniated discs in my lumbar spine and the pain is just unbearable anymore. I've researched the procedure online, and my surgeon wants it done before he will decide whether to do surgery or not. Right now, I don't know what to do anymore. I've tried everything non surgical already, and I am still in pain. Just wondering if anyone out there has had one done, or even works with pts having them done.


I had a discogram. It was done to determine which disc was most problematic for me painwise; and exactly what the problem IS with the disc. (My scans were inconclusive)

The radiologist will be asking you for feedback as he injects your discs. In a normal disc you will feel some pressure, mild discomfort as he injects. He looks at the area as he injects to see how the surrounding structures react and how you react.

In my case there was internal disruption with 1 culprit disc and it was 'blown', thus the dye ran down freely in my spinal canal causing severe pain...this told everybody what my problem was.

I ended up having a single L5-S1 fusion...this was back in the days before artificial discs or other options we have today.

I was premedicated prior to the procedure, so the severe pain the procedure caused resolved quickly following. I was observed until I was able to ambulate and sent home with my hubby (he had to be there with me due to the premed)

Good luck to you and PM me if I can give you more info! :)

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.

thanks so much to everyone who took the time to pm me about their experiences....

i had my discogram this am, and it was by far the most agonizing pain i have ever experienced. worst than both my labors put together, and one was a natural one!

the doc really p***ed me off when he came in the OR, he told me i had better not get hysterical and cry! he gave me versed and morphine IV, then did some local before he inserted the needles. the insertion was not bad, but the injection of the dye was :bluecry1: ...and by god, i did scream, on all three levels of discs he checked. L3 to S1. he gave me more versed and morphine too, but it didn't touch that pain, not one iota. he also couldn't remember ever prescribing me oxycontin, and he kinda gave me the impression that he didn't want to prescribe me more. uh, you prescribed me that after i found i was allergic to the duragesic adhesive! it was like he totally didn't believe me! unbelievable. all three discs were "leakers" as he called them, and i will need a fusion. :( ugh.

i am thankful however, that i finally have a concrete diagnosis that's been causing my pain for the past few years. maybe now people will believe me when i tell them i am in pain! i find so many healthcare professionals are still not believing me when i describe the intensity of my pain. i can't tell you how many times i had people raise their eyebrows at me when i told them i take oxycontin and norco. i know some people are seekers, but it really upsets me that for whatever reason, HCP are then forced to question those who really are suffering.

all the nurses in the surgical area were excellent however, very kind to me before, after, but especially during the procedure when i was screaming in pain. thank god for nurses!

I know what you mean...chronic pain has a different face than acute pain and there are still some out there in healthcare who haven't educated themselves.

The new laws regarding treatment of pain and patient rights have long been needed haven't they!

I hope your spine problem which causes you pain can be well controlled very soon! :)

Specializes in Med/Surg, ER, L&D, ICU, OR, Educator.

Why do I picture John Travolta in whites as the tech?

Why do I picture John Travolta in whites as the tech?

hee hee ...i was thinking the same sorta thing when i saw "discogram"

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.
hee hee ...i was thinking the same sorta thing when i saw "discogram"

lol you guys.....making me laugh! oh, how i wish it was true!

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.
I know what you mean...chronic pain has a different face than acute pain and there are still some out there in healthcare who haven't educated themselves.

The new laws regarding treatment of pain and patient rights have long been needed haven't they!

I hope your spine problem which causes you pain can be well controlled very soon! :)

i go to my surgeon on the 18th so we can discuss surgery. i have a lot of praying and thinking to do. i just don't know how i will swing taking so much time off of work. both for financial reasons, as i have two kids to feed, my school to pay for, house payment, car payment...bills galore. my employer is also not happy with me, since i have been sick quite often in the past year, even though i have provided medical notes for all my absences (about 11 days in all i believe i missed), i have been disciplined for it. i am afraid if i now take even more time off for surgery, i will not have a job when i am ready to go back. i am considering postponing the surgery until the spring, when i (hopefully) will be done with school, and will be searching for another job anyway. i also have to think about life for the next 6 or so months in severe pain and how very depressing it is. somedays i just wish i wouldn't wake up. :crying2:

thank you so much for your support.

my employer is also not happy with me, since i have been sick quite often in the past year, even though i have provided medical notes for all my absences (about 11 days in all i believe i missed), i have been disciplined for it. i am afraid if i now take even more time off for surgery...

I don't know where you work, but you definitely need to apply for FMLA - especially if you work full time. FMLA GUARANTEES you have your job and benefits held for you a specific length of time. It also means they cannot LEGALLY discipline you for the abscences. Check with your company's benefits department.

Good luck with your surgery!

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