Anyone else have around 75 questions the second attempt?


Specializes in Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing.

Hey guys,

I just took my NCLEX for the second time yesterday. On my first attempt, I received 235 questions, and ran out of time...absolute WORST experience of my life. I since took Kaplan to prepare for the second time around. At question 77 I took a break and went to the bathroom, and prayed to God to shut this exam off on me this time. I went back into the room and after the VERY NEXT question, the computer SHUT OFF! I absolutely freaked out. How can I go from having so many questions the first time, running out of time, and failing...and now having only 78 questions?! I felt somewhat good for a minute (probably only because it ACTUALLY shut off on me this time) but now i am TOTALLY second guessing myself...Anyone have a similar situation??? I feel like if I don't relate to anyone else I'm gonna go nuts!!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Honest no good stressing out as it is a number and you can pass with any number, hang in there and good luck

Specializes in Med-Surg/ICU.

I got 265 on my first try and 75 on my second try and passed. Of course you can pass or fail at any number, but I hope you did well. :flwrhrts:

Specializes in Child/Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing.

Thanks for the support guys...I PASSED!!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.



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