Anyone apply to Bristol COmmunity College nursing for 2013?



I am an applicant for the fall 2013, is anyone else waiting to hear?

why? what other program have you been accepted to? Are you a BCC student? Sorry so many questions- if you are a BCC student and have access BCC, has your major changed? Yep, I'm desperate for info! Congrats by the way!

thanks guys.. if you didn't know becky its sarah from fb lol i am really sad for everyone that got wait listed i thought i would be if anything because you guys have perfect gpas

teddie are you on fb

I just sent you a message with my info!

Hello everyone,

Congrats on getting into the program. I also recieved my letter of acceptance. I am curious if anyone has an idea as to what the schedule is like e for the first semester. I know thst the one credit course is once a week, however what does the fundamentals schedule look like. I know it includes both class and clinical hours

Congratulations future nurses! I am finishing up my first year in the nursing program, and can offer you a few tips. 1) there is a math competency test day one of the semester, you must pass with an 85 or better. The program offers a refresher course (5 days) over the summer, it's free, I suggest you attend. The amount of reading is insane, I have yet to complete an assigned weeks worth of reading in the allotted week, do your best, but don't fall behind. Lectures are held on Mondays 8-12 (traditional), with 2 lab days per week for 5 weeks, then 1 lab and 1 clinical day for a few weeks, and finally 2 clinical days in the end. You must expect to eat, sleep, and breathe nursing school... it's meant to be survived, not enjoyed (lol). You will make huge sacrifices, but they are for your future, try to remember that. You will meet your new best friends; even the most supportive family and friends cannot understand what you're going through like another nursing student. The faculty are all awesome, do not listen to the rumor mill, your professors want you to succeed! I hope this helps a bit, good luck, see you in September!

Thank you for the encouraging words Nur2014..

Wow ya, thank u! That was a lot of good info I needed that lol. Do u know where the clinicalss r held? Or is it different for everyone?

Thank you so much! Very, very helpful information that we all appreciate

Clinical locations vary, but plan on being in a nursing home, or rehab location. I should probably add to my list of things to expect... The school (BCC) has gone "green," meaning they do not print handouts, handbook, or various other printed information. This translates to the students spending a substantial amount of money on paper, printers, and ink! I am on my 3rd printer after 1 year! Unfortunately I thought I woulds be doing myself a favor buying an expensive printer for the workload, WRONG... I killed 2 printer heads before I finally bought a cheap $60.00 printer that is doing a great job! The program is affordable, however, plan on spending approximately $1200.00 out of pocket for books (bring someone to help you carry them home), uniforms (you'll want at least 2), nursing shoes, stethoscope, watch (with secondhand), BP cuff, and gait belt. They will give you a list of things you'll need. Research the books, Amazon, Ebay, etc are good resources (the school bookstore is expensive). Lastly, I would suggests you plan on a large gas budget, between lecture, lab, and clinical (which may require a little travel time) you will be driving a lot. I still believe it is all worth the dream! I just wish someone had given me a little information, so I could have been better prepared. I hope this helps, don't panic or freak-out, the worst is over (waiting for that damn letter)! Welcome to the world of student nursing!

Thank you so much for the advice! Everything seems a little overwhelming at the moment, but I am sure we will get through it ;)

Hey guys, im still awaiting....I'm not expecting acceptance but I really want to know either way. I've gotten no letter of any sort. Called the school today and this woman said that some letters went out, they go out in batches. She had no idea if acceptance letters go out frosty and then rejection or waitlist. Why can't they just tell me over the phone? Its so dumb and as always the info is conflicting and inconsistent. I mean, nothing had changed in my transcript or dw, so I'm not optimistic. Just wanted to let you know I'm still wondering! Has everyone gotten letters in the mail? Anyone receive a rejection letter in the mail yet?

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