Anyone accepted to WVSCTC for Fall 2007 program?


Hello all,

I was just accepted to WVSCTC's Fall program and was wondering if there is anyone else here that has also been accepted. If there is anyone who is currently a student of WVSCTC's program, any suggestions, tips, etc. is greatly appreciated!

There really arent that many people in WV that browse these forums. It seems like there are only about 4-5 regular posters. I know there is one person that graduated that program on here.

That program really shocked me, as when I was in college Southern really didnt have that great of a name. I came to work in Charleston and almost out of nowhere that program was the best in the state.

A great general tip is to get your pre-reqs out of the way. If you havent taken Micro take it this summer. It makes a huge difference. If you have already taken Micro, take anything speech, an elective this summer. Dont get the attitude that you are going to enjoy one last summer before starting to work hard. An AD program is really intense and you will need all the free time you can get.

West Virginia State will not graduate their firt class until this May. It is a very new program.

Noryn, what year did you graduate from Southern? I graduated in 1977 and you are right Southern was not a very good program for several years. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and wonderful faculty to gain the reputation of "best program in WV".

Many people still do not know how good the program is, 100% pass rate last year and passage in the 90's and 100 for the past several years. Southern has sites in Logan, Kanawha Valley, and Moorefield.

I am extremely proud to say I am a graduate of Southern!

I shouldnt post when I am tired, HA! I thought those initials were Southern's Community and Technical college. I didnt realize that WV State had a community and technical college as well, I just figured everything was WV State University.

These schools keep changing their names! I didnt actually graduate from Southern's program but when I attended college about 13 years ago, in general the college was looked at like a second rate facility. I did attend a few classes there, and really wish I had attended more there as it was really cheap and much closer to my home.

I graduated from Bluefield State and generally at that time, the two best schools as far as consistent performance were St. Mary's and Bluefield's. But then Southern really came on strong and I am glad. I know people who have 40,000-50,000 in student loans from some of these private colleges and then their programs dont have the passage rate of some of the schools whose tuition cost around 10,000.

Specializes in Trauma ICU, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU.


My mommy went to SWVTC about 14 years ago for the ADN program, I hear its brutal!! I just wanted to say good luck I'm sure you'll do great!

I'm currently in my third year at WVSCTC, technically. I used State's Community College to get my Pre-Reqs out of the way. Now I'm dually enrolled at WVU Tech's BSN program, and still filling out the rest of my schedule at State ( APII, and Eng. 315 Shakespeare....). I will tell you that everyone and their mother is a Pre-nursing student, but few make it into the program. As long as you pay attention, go to class, and study, you should have no problem. It's a really nice little school w/ a great faculty. Oh, and make friends with Bonnie Dean, the prenursing advisor. Show up for advising as soon as it is available, she is irritated by procrastination, and you will probably end up w/ her for your nutrition teacher. Trust me. :welcome:

Specializes in Surgery.

Congrats on being accepted...I hear that is a great program..I went to St. Marys School of Nursing based out of Marshall..I am from around the Logan area..but as being in any nursing school be prepared and well organized..Being organized is the key to doing good in school..You will have alot of material..and do not study at the last minute...The tests are really hard and nursing school is totally different than your pre-req classes..Best of luck!!! I know alot of people that went there and they did great...

Specializes in Medical ICU and Neuro ICU.

im class of 2010 WV state CTC

Specializes in MICU.
West Virginia State will not graduate their firt class until this May. It is a very new program.

Noryn, what year did you graduate from Southern? I graduated in 1977 and you are right Southern was not a very good program for several years. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and wonderful faculty to gain the reputation of "best program in WV".

Many people still do not know how good the program is, 100% pass rate last year and passage in the 90's and 100 for the past several years. Southern has sites in Logan, Kanawha Valley, and Moorefield.

I am extremely proud to say I am a graduate of Southern!

Actually WV state has already graduated at least 3 classes. I am due to graduate this May. It is a very good school. I believe every class has had over 90% first time NCLEX passing rate. Hopefully that holds true for my class as well.

I agree with getting as many prerequisites out of the way as possible. I did that myself, and I am not sure if I would have made it this far otherwise. It is a very intense program. The teachers are all very good for the most part. Try and get ahead now if you are able. Buy some basic nursing books or borrow one from someone you know, and do your best to stay ahead of the game. You will be required to have an 80% to pass (as with most nursing programs). Classes are broken into 5 week sessions. The first 10 weeks are easy for the most part. The third 5 weeks are a big change. It steps up a little at this point, so if you were able to study ahead this is where it'll start paying off.

The fourth 5 weeks is the beginning of the second semester. It will be much more difficult than the first semester, and you will have to start pre-planning for clinicals. This usually takes me from 4-6 hours the night before clinicals, so don't plan on doing anything else. You will go to the hospital and collect the following: Labs which you will need to interpret, Medications which you will need to make cards for, and pathophysiology of the patient's illness.

The third semester is pretty much the same as the second.

The fourth semester is the same for the first 7 weeks, except you will have an extra day of clinical. You will hopefully have the same patients both days though, which means only one day of pre-planning. After this you start preceptorships. That is the point we are getting into, so I don't know much more than that. Let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to offer any advise you might need.

Good luck!

Specializes in MICU.

Ignore my post... I didn't realize this was 2007. Sorry.

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