Published Dec 31, 2003
4 Posts
Hi, I just moved to Fort Myers and am just curious about how many of you also live in the area? My husband is working constantly and I have not found a job yet....taking a few weeks off but I am bored!!! Can anyone give me advice on a good place to work? Trying to stay out of the hospital setting!
780 Posts
I would work at Lee memorial in a heartbeat. You also have the Cleveland clinic close by. My great Niece was born at North Collier medical center Birthing place. The patient care was fantastic.
Look up Buddy Freddy's buffet, it is very good and the price is right.
Any other questions, PM me, I live in Miami.
1 Post
I live in Fort myers. Gulfcoast Hospital is a great place to work. SWFRMC is too. I see all these people wanting to move to Southwest FL. Housing is through the roof, as I am sure you know. When we do sell our home we will make a killing.. Good Luck..
grannynurse FNP student
1,016 Posts
I live up the road, In Port Charlotte. SWRMC and Lee Memorial are the best facilities. Lee County's public health system is generally always looking. And you might want to check out the Lee County School District, for school nursing positions.
Weclome to Florida
Grannynurse :balloons:
89 Posts
Hi, I'm in the Fort Myers area. I live in Cape Coral. I moved here a year ago from Orlando. What type of nursing are you looking to do?
skuterkomputer rn
17 Posts
I just moved here but am unsure how long I will be able to stay. the pay sucks, I dont know if I can afford it.
Where'd you move here from?
Baltimore, but I traveled for a while before I settled here. Sorry I am so negative but I am sincerely dissapointed with the pay here. I didnt become a nurse to get rich but I should be able to afford to own a home and start a family. I would suggest to anyone who is a nurse to go elsewhere. It really isnt worth it.
As with most professions, Florida in general does suck for pay. We pay for the sunshine and not having to shovel snow. On one positive note though, at least we don't pay state taxes. I've lived in a lot of different places and I can say I don't miss those state income taxes!!
What area of nursing are you in? Do you work in a Hospital setting? You'd think with such a nursing shortage here they'd offer more income.
skuterkomputer As with most professions, Florida in general does suck for pay. We pay for the sunshine and not having to shovel snow. On one positive note though, at least we don't pay state taxes. I've lived in a lot of different places and I can say I don't miss those state income taxes!! What area of nursing are you in? Do you work in a Hospital setting? You'd think with such a nursing shortage here they'd offer more income.
Unfortunately the sunshine doesnt pay my mortgage or put food on my table. Human resources here said the same thing to me when I complained about the pathetic pay. Unfortunately theres not much I can do about it so I am leaving and telling whoever will listen not to work here.
You don't find the cost of living here a lot less? Cost of living is a lot higher in Boston according to all the cost of living calculators, plus the fact you have state taxes in MA. I've lived in MI, CO, ID, and UT and even though the pay is less here, I find the cost of living to be better. Now this area is a bit higher than some areas of FL, but still less than anywhere else I've lived (outside of FL).
Did you look into the pay rates here before you moved? I can't imagine making a big move to a new state without checking out all the facts first.
Before my husband's job transferred us, I always checked out the city conditions and pay rates and taxes and cost of living comparison's before we ever agreed to move anywhere, so we'd be fully informed before setting off for a new destination.
Everyone has their own oppinion about moving to new places. The weather isn't as important to you, to some it is very important. I had a friend from Boston who says he'd never live north of the mason dix. line again. lol He loves the weather here and is real in to boating, so for someone like him it's worth the pay cut.
Now in general I think that the Fort Myers area pretty much sucks, especially for a young family. I came here from Orlando which was WAY BETTER. Their's just nothing going on here. We did however get lucky here because we built a house in the Cape right before the HUGE hike in property values so we'll make out when we do eventually move which will hopefully be as soon as I finsish school. I don't plan to stay here in this area.
Sorry you're so unhappy here.
I'm really not that unhappy, just frustrated. I became a nurse because I was under the impression that we were in demand and although I never expected to get rich being a nurse I do expect wages that are livable. I moved here because this is where my family is from.I just got engaged and wanted to raise my own family close to home. True I didnt do my homework reguarding wages but I truly believe it is an insult to our profession that 2 nurses (my wife is a nurse here as well) cannot afford to live on the wages set by the institution. You read about the nursing shortage all the time, well there is a definite reason for that. We dont live extravagantly by any means but unless you bought a home here 5 years ago, what we as nurses are paid just isnt enough to live on.
I suppose you could say I am a new generation nurse. I have my bachelors from penn state. and have worked hard to get varied experience to make myself marketable and proficient as an RN. I am in a high demand specality and even where I am now we have constant vacancies that the hospital tries to fill.
I consider myself a fantastic nurse and love my patients, I think I am truly an asset to any facility I work in, but I wont work for peanuts. The sunshine is no excuse for not paying nurses appropriate wages and sometime in the very near future something will have to give. either care will be compromised because the hospital cant find enough staff to work, the core staff that does exist will get burnt out orienting all the new nurses filtering through the system and quit, or hospitals will have to take measures to truly attract and retain strong nurses.
I myself am getting out. I have already quit and have begun to pursue other options. I will miss working in the hospital but feel that I have been left with no other choice.
Sorry this response was so long but it is a sore subject for me and hits close to home. When I was single I didnt care if I lived check to check but now that I have a family to consider I have to make some hard decisions. I dont have a spouse with a better job to rely on, were both nurses with the same frustrations and concerns.