Any Tutors Near Tallahassee?

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi! I'm looking for an NCLEX tutor in or near Tallahassee, FL. Does anyone know of any tutors in or near my area?

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Hello All,

I am looking for advice in regards to the best way to prepare for the NCLEX. I would prefer a private tutor, as I've done some of the online review classes. I always do well on the simulated tests and my study habits are extremely well, yet I'm having difficulty passing the NCLEX.

Here's a little background info---

I am a foreign-educated nurse with a BSN and a licensed RN in the RP. I graduated in 1995. Most of my experience in the RP is as a private duty nurse. I've been in the States for three years now, and work as a Nurse Tech in a med-surg unit (have slightly more than two years experience in med-surg here in the States).

I have taken the NCLEX exam twice. First time I studied using the Kaplan book and Saunders book. My test was approximately 100 questions and I was near passing in most areas. For the second test I did the Kaplan online review with Q-Bank. I increased my study time, however the results of my second NCLEX had fewer "near passing" than the first. I only has a few of the new format questions, maybe six. My second exam was 75 questions.

As I've mentioned earlier, I do very well with any of the simulated tests. I use Kaplan, Saunders, and Mosby as study guides. I have considered doing the Kaplan classroom review, but just am not sure if Kaplan's is the best choice. I'm considering doing the Hurst review in May.

I am determined to keep trying until I'm successful. I'd appreciate any study advice or any advice about which online and classroom reviews are helpful. Also, it's been ten years since I've graduated from nursing school. Should I consider a refresher course?



You may wish to consider a review course, as you did your training in another country, and it has been quite some time since you were actually working in the RN role.

How are you studying..............are you spending time going over the incorrect answers, as well as the correct answers like they have in the Saunder's book? I find that it is one of the best review books out if used properly. How many questions are you doing daily?

You may wish to consider a review course, as you did your training in another country, and it has been quite some time since you were actually working in the RN role.

How are you studying..............are you spending time going over the incorrect answers, as well as the correct answers like they have in the Saunder's book? I find that it is one of the best review books out if used properly. How many questions are you doing daily?


Sorry for the delay in my reply!

I am using both Saunders and Mosby books for review. I am doing 200 to 300 questions daily. I spend an equal amount of time on both wrong and right answers. I have done the Kaplan online review, but really don't feel that I got much out of it.

I am considering the Hurst review, or possibly the ERI Pre-RN Plus review since its geared for foreign educated and repeat test takers. I am also considering an online RN refresher course offered by Broward Community College. Here is the information from that course....

I do fairly well with the questions and the practice tests. My study habits are good (great according to my husband). I just want to be better prepared going into the next exam.



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