Any private LVN school in ventura ?

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students

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I am new to this website and am about to start as lvn student the waiting list for RN is 2 years, Can anyone tell me anything about LVN program in Ventura, I heard about CCI in ventura, is this a good school? if I finish will I be able to get a job. Any private school that have LVN program near Ventura.

Any help is appreciated.


I just went to the VC RN workshop last week to learn about the program. They have no waiting list right now and yes, they do have a point system. Technicaly a W in your core classes does take points away but as long as you maintained above a (I believe) 2.5 in your core science classes including the ones you take over you are fine. (I say believe a 2.5 because I don't have my paperwork in front of me). You just need to have all of your prereqs done and apply. If they have a ton of new appliants you MAY have to wait a semester. Definitely check it out!

Just call and ask to schedule an appointment with a NURSING counselor.

Hello I would like to know information about California career college ,thanks

LexiG-your right =) its a 2.5 gpa. it must be moorpark that has a limit on how many times you can retake core classes.

Good luck if you apply! I am plowing through pre reqs. Hopefully I will see you there!


Any idea when your going to be done with your pre reqs? I am starting third semester in the fall and would really like to know someone there!

Amac good for you on your third semester already! :yeah: I am just starting out so won't be applying until the end of next year. Are you taking anything this summer?

Yep i am taking Sociology this summer online. So exciting! well not really... Why cant you apply until the end of next year? what classes do you still need to take?

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Amac and LexiG, I too am planning on attending VC RN program I should be able to apply in March for Fall 2012 start date...

Hope you don't mind I just jumped in this conversation!

No worries 45 :lol2: March isn't far away at all, you must be so excited! And Amac that is when I will have all my pre-reqs done, trying to push myself and do as much as I can without having my grades slip.

I'm also applying to ventura's program for hopefully the fall 2012 class....

Time will fly carshell! What is everyone taking this fall?

Anatomy and micro.... Do u think I'll kill myself in the process? Ugh...

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