Any perspective from other Military Vets

Nursing Students Male Students


I know I haven't done an introduction yet, but I guess that part of AN is down right now... So long story short: I ETS from the Army in March '17. I'm not a medic; in fact, I'm the opposite of a medic so when I tell people I want to go to nursing school they give a confused look. Regardless, I am deadset on become an RN. I would love to get some perspective from current nursing students who happen to be veterans as well as other students who have veterans in their class. Most of my peers are going back to being civilians. I guess I am going a step further than them and going from the land of testosterone to being surrounded by mostly females. Just to give some more background information: I am a Forward Observer in the 101st. I am going to apply to Santa Fe college in Florida and use my Post 911 GI Bill pay for school. Thanks in advance for your advice and opinions.

I will second what Cys0sys said...A lot of cry babies, pissing and moaning, and politics. You will find a few squared away students, but most are grab ***, fumbling around and complaining about having to do the work. Most of them look like they just pulled themselves out of the bottom of a sea bag and then pressed there scrubs with a cold rock!

Best advice, sit in the back, observe and keep quite. You will find some professors that will leave you alone while other will prey upon the kiddos in the class. Then a few that will let you know that your presence is not very welcomed.

I really think it depends on the school, location and demographics. Just remember your gonna have to put the body armor on and maintain some very thick skin. Pick and choose your battles very wisely.

Specializes in ER, ICU.

Great post, I'm sure you will do great. My alma mater (Excelsior) has a vet mentoring program, perhaps your school has one too. I'm an active Guard flight nurse and a nursing educator. If you need any mentoring just send me a note. The culture change will be harsh, but adapt and overcome (I know it's a Marine thing, but it works!). Oh, and everything cyc0sys said as well...

Vet mentoring program? Never heard of such a thing!

Two nuggets of advice for you. Apply for your VA benefits now if you haven't already (with the Benefits Delivery at Discharge program you'll get your rating and start getting paid no more than 180 past ETS), and don't use your Post 9/11 yet. You can use the Montgomery GI bill in its entirety and then switch to post 9/11 and get another year of benefits. Just know that once you start using post 9/11 that's no longer an option (nobody bothered to let me in on that beforehand).

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