Any Irish nurses...what's a day like?

World International


Hello all! I'm a senior nursing student in a BSN program in Michigan. I have been employed at a hospital as a tech for 7 years, so while I am not yet a nurse, I am no stranger to the difficulties that face nurses. High acuity patients, high patient to nurse ratios, arrogant physicians who treat RNs like dirt and never return phone calls (okay, they're not all like that...but a vast majority...). While I know that the grass is not always greener on the other side, I'm wondering what the differences are between nursing in the US and nursing in Ireland. I am aware that the health care system is different, though I am not completely sure what makes it different. I had the pleasure of visiting Ireland about two years ago and I fell in love. I am considering practicing nursing here in the states for a couple years to gain experience but I am looking ahead to a possible move to Ireland. Can any of you nurses who practice in Ireland give me a run down on what it's like to work in health care over there? Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks so much!

P.S--I miss Guinness. Once you've had it in Ireland you realize that something about Guinness in the states is sadly lacking. I don't know what that's about. Perhaps it was the atmosphere. Or maybe it's because Guinness in a bottle shipped from over seas just isn't the same as a Guinness built in a pub. Next time any of you have one, think of me!

Specializes in Surgical, quality,management.

I dont think there are any jobs going in the public sector. All jobs in the public sector i.e HSE are advertised on However not so sure about the private sector and nursing homes. A friend of mine left Australia recently and has got work at home but not sure where.

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