Hello Everyone,
My name is Aleksandra and I am 27 years old. I was born and raised in Germany. In 2004 I graduated from nursing school specialization in pediatric. In 2006 I got married to my Husband who is in the military. SO now my story begins. Fresh from school, with a OK English knowledge moving from Germany to Missouri. I don't know what I was thinking, but then I thought that everything is sooooo easy, pink, and just sooo perfect and of course I will have work. I will be a nurse because I went to school for it .... EEEE .... WRONG....
When I showed the nursing school my degree, the lady told " what you want me to do with this" ... I was crushed..... So there I am!!!! New country, no family, husband deployed, and NO JOB!!!! The lady at the college told me the only thing I can do is to go to college and start over again!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!??? I just finished school.
I didn't think that my language would be enough to go thru school again. I was scared to death. I don't know if any of you also familiar with German RN's but we really worked like slaves. ( at least in my hospital)
- We worked 11 days in a row.... 2 days off and then another 5 or 8 days... DIFFERENT SHIFTS Eving,morning etc.
- We also DO the CNA, LPN, RN job all in one ( there is no support beside 2 nursing students.... Ratio was 8- 10 patient per nurse) .... We was responsible for everything!! Changing diapers, prepare food, give a bath... We also had to change the Bed sheets and sanitize the Beds....pass the meds, go for visitation with the Doc, do charts, feed the infants AND OF COURSE all bandage change, IV change etc. Just in one shift I FELT LIKE I was a MAID there NOT A NURSE.... The result was ALL of my nursing friends are STILL single because there is NOOOOOOOOOOO private time at all, or many just quiet the JOB and work way something different. Plus the pay was horrible.... We might get 900$ every 2 weeks....
SO I thought to my self I am done with nursing and If I have to start all over I will go for Business.... ( kind a be a Business women hahaha)
Now I am done with my Associate in Business Management I was thinking to go for International Business...
Now I spoke with few people and tehy all told me the same thing .... Nursing IS WAY DIFFERENT in the USA THEN my story I told them. There is a CNA a LPN and a RN on one shift. There is also a person the make the beds and feed the patient?!
All my friends and especially my Husband telling me to go and try to pass the board or go for nursing again.
That is where my JUNIOR midlife crises begins!!!
WHAT TO DO??? We are in the military moving around, right now we in Hawaii for the next 2 years and then what??? Again no job, no money, I will be soon 30 .... And what did I accomplish in my life??? Bunch of schooling and that's it. I can not get a JOB... If I apply somewhere in Business ... As soon as they read nursing they asking me what I want in business. When I apply in nursing they asking me what do I want with a business school, and a German nursing licenses!! I can not even work as a nurse aid ....
Now soon we have 2011 and I decided that I am done with crying around!!! But I still don't know what do to. Do I go for business and work in a job I never worked before or do I work the DREAM job that I always want it. ( since the 3rd grade a knew I want to be nurse... I just love the hospital) as a child I always watched the ER with Dr. Carter and Dr. Benton or Dr. Mark green! LOL
SO my husband was so generous and he offered me his GI BILL to go for my bachelor. But I don't know what to do next. Business or Nursing??
Do I just try to take the nursing state board? When yes, How I am going to do that? We are also military what happen to me when we move again to a difrent sate, and I also feel like I don't think I be able to pass the board.
DO I go to college AGAIN to become a RN!!!! With worries if I be able to finish in time before we have to leave again...
Is there any Prep classes that can prepare me for the state board.... Question over Question!!!:confused:
I am sooooooo thankful for any comment, help, recommendation, links, maybe someone here is a nurse from Germany and can tell me their experience.:redbeathe
Thank you for reading this thread better called "BOOK"
Aleksandra :redbeathe