Any HRSA 2015 Applicants?

Nurses General Nursing


Hello nurses. I completed my associates degree in 2012 and just completed my BSN in December. I have decided to apply for the HRSA nursing loan repayment program this year in hopes that I will qualify and at least be considered in their awards. A fellow co-worker was awarded two years ago while working at the same hospital that I work at, so I decided it wouldn't hurt to try! I have started my application, but I am still waiting for my official diploma and/or transcripts from my BSN to prove completion of the program before I can move forward past the verification of schools and degrees portion of the application. I have done a lot of research and it seems to be a pretty lengthy application, but if awarded it will definitely be worth it. Anyone started the process or have any suggestions for those of us who are applying this year? Thank you fellow nurses!

Specializes in ER.

Received my finalist email today at 6:22.:) I started crying . What a blessing. Second time around . Tier one debt to income >200% hope this is it :) it says it is not guaranteed, but I have faith and am so excited. Hope you guys hear soon.

larathenurse is this for the scholarship or the loan repayment? If not has anyone heard from the scholarship program as of yet? Fingers still crossed ;)

Specializes in ICU, nursing education.

I haven't heard anything back yet. I am a nurse educator. I don't know if they award practice areas in any special order since a certain percentage is supposed to be used for advanced practice and nurse educators.

I'm currently in another thread where people's credit was being checked since July 28th.

I haven't heard anything. I saw another RN heard back in another thread. Does anyone know over how many days they email?

According to them Jill we have up until September to hear something.

Specializes in ER.

This is for the loan repayment program not the scholarship. Good luck all:)

Just wanted to check if anyone has heard anything about the loan repayment? I am still anxiously waiting. Also, how do you figure out the debt to income ratio?

Specializes in ER.

also guys not sure if this helps but I was told I was a finalist last week and never saw anything on my credit so far. The only weird report was credco but Im not sure if that has anything to do with them.

Yes credco is HRSA. Alot of people from the other thread received notification from them. Some saw on credit karma others saw on my annual report.

Specializes in Public Health.

I have a Credco inquiry coming up on my Credit Karma account too, but it says 3/26/15 for the date and I didn't get my finalist email until 7/28/15, so I guess that means they do credit checks long before notifying you?

Specializes in ALF, Medical, ER.

Has anyone not had a credit check done and gotten the award? Do you have to have a good credit score to be in the running for the award?

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