Any financial aid for a student with a bachelors degree?


Ive never had financial aid or a grant,,,but because i made the mistake of getting a bachelors in business years ago, they said I don't qualify for anything. I paid out of pocket for my bachelors so i dont see why they have a problem with helping me now that I need help. Anyone got any suggestions? I am not sure a part time job will really pay all the bills plus school.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There is financial aid if you go for a higher degree (ASN to BSN, BSN to MSN/PhD/DNP) but not nearly as much as a first time undergrad once you have a bachelors degree. You are no longer eligible for most grants. You may be eligible for unsubsidized student loans if you qualify. Interest payments are due as soon as the loan is disbursed but you have the same protections as any other federal loans

Specializes in PACU.

Financial aid can be really confusing if you already have a bachelors. I've heard of some being able to get Stafford loans if they didn't max them out in their first degree, but I have also heard the opposite.

I would definitely talk to your FA department. They are (usually) pretty knowledgeable about the options.

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