Published Aug 16, 2007
32 Posts
Hi. for anybody who is starting fundamentals next week I have a question??? Mr Mcnamara said we needed to go onto web ct to get the definitions for the vocabulary list for the quiz. When I log onto webct I can not access the course. It says access denied contact your instructor. I email mr M and have not gotten a response. has anybody else gotten the list from web ct. Maybe someone could email it to me. I would be very grateful. TIA Lisa
147 Posts
I can't even get logged into Web CT How did you get a password for it? I have my student ID, but I don't see anything where we can set it up and I have never used it before. I've just been studying the words from the Mosby's Medical Dictionary since I can't get in.
Disregard my question. I got in, but I'm getting the same results as you. Says I'm not authorized.
Hey Amanda, We are not the only ones. I talked to another girl I met during orientation and she gets he same thing. She emailed the teacher too and has not heard back. I think he on vacation he said something about it during the first orientation. I have been looking up the words in a medical dictionary also. I don't have my mosby yet it is being shipped right now. Oh well! Maybe he will postpone the quiz if everyone is having the same issue. thanks for responding Lisa
92 Posts
How has the night/weekend program been going for you? I plan to apply for next fall and I'm just curious. What time are the classes, when is your clinicals. Do you work full time during the day? How are your teachers so far? What hospitals are the clinicals at? LOL! I think that's it for now.
zahryia, LPN
537 Posts
Hello,How has the night/weekend program been going for you? I plan to apply for next fall and I'm just curious. What time are the classes, when is your clinicals. Do you work full time during the day? How are your teachers so far? What hospitals are the clinicals at? LOL! I think that's it for now.Venus~
I am not in the eve/weekend program, but I can give you some info.
The program runs on Tues and Thurs from 6 to 9. You have clinicals on Sat and Sun from 6:30 to 1 or 2pm (depending on the class)
Hey there! We just finished our Fluid and Electrolytes test yesterday so I finally got some time to hop on allnurses! LOL
The program is good. You will be busy your first semester, but it is totally doable. I'm working 20 hours, but I know people in class who are working full-time and also doing fine...they just seem slightly more stressed out, but they are pulling the grades. Now the one's who have kids AND work full time are VERY stressed. It's all about time management though. The information isn't really hard, you just have to find time to study and practice.
Classes are on Tues and Thurs evening. Clinicals are on Sat. and Sun. morning, but you will also have to be there an additional hour each week for "small group" lab where they teach you your skills for the hospital. Times for small group get to pick your top 2 choices. You also have an hour of supervised practice before you test for each skill and then you have to sign up to actually test, but skills testing only lasts 15 minutes. It's sounds like a lot and you'll feel like you always have to stop by school for something, but it is still doable and from what I understand it isn't like that for the rest of your classes. They just have to make sure you know your skills before doing them for the first time in the hospital.
The main instructor for Funds is great...he really makes class fun and I think he also teaches Med Surg I. The clinical instructors are nice too, some are harder than others, but overall they all know their stuff.
For clinical we go to Franklin Sq, Good Sam, and Upper Chesapeake. I think there are more for the next class, but so far that is it.
Hope this helps. Let us know if you have more questions! Good luck!
Awesome, thanks for the info. I put in my selective admissions application back in October. What happens next, when do I know when to take the TEAS test?