

Hello All!

I started my nursing school journey four weeks ago. So far, I have not gotten completely stressed out which has surprised me but I am trying to stay calm and remember that all will be okay.

I have struggled with social anxiety since high school and through out college it has progressively gotten worse. I have not resorted to taking prescribed medication as I am afraid what effect it might have.

On top of my social anxiety I have hyperhidrosis which is excessive perspiration. I have suffered from this since I was about 13 or 14 years old. As I have gotten older it has worsened. Some people sweat excessively just through their palms, just through their feet, or their arm pits. Unfortunately, I sweat excessively through all three routes.

I will tell you skills check off has been a struggle. When we were going through a procedure which required gloves everyone had put theirs on and I was literally struggling to get my fingers through mine. I have tried every method for medication except surgery and not one has helped.

Back to my anxiety, what it feels like: When I am sitting in the classroom I feel as though everyone is paying attention to me and judging me, even though I can see all their eyes focused on the front of the room.

And during check offs, it feels like the instructors and other students are there to scrutinize everything I do (which they're not because they're focusing on themselves, the "pt", and the tasks at hand. But it is a feeling that will not go away no matter what you say to your self.

It creates a barrier between my learning, classmates, and my skills to give the utmost care possible.

When I am asked an application question during check offs, I can not think straight and it takes me a minute to pull the answer out of my head because what I am actually thinking about is, does this instructor like me? why is she looking at me like that? do I know this question? am I capable of knowing or answering this question?

It is difficult but I just try to focus on God, my family, the reason I want to make it through this, and how many people I can help in my lifetime if I can overcome these struggles. I know, no matter what happens everything will be okay.

I hope I can catch another nursing student's attention with one or both of the same issues I am facing. We can empower and encourage one another! :)

I also want to ask:

Does anyone else struggle with these issues?

If so, how do you cope?

Any nursing school advice with these struggles?

Annddd any solutions?

Thanks, y'all!


I too have gotten through my first four weeks! I did have one bit of stress, but it all worked out.

I'm a high strung person. When I'm sitting down, my foot always has to jiggle. I jump from 0 to 100 in the blink of an eye. I do/did have poor body image. This is me.

(Actually it's more like I jump from 20 to 100 because I don't think I'm ever at 0 haha)

First thing I did is to cut out caffeine nearly completely. It makes me jittery, nervous, and cranky.

I also exercise regularly because, and I know it sounds silly, but I can feel the endorphin difference when I don't.

I also learned how to accept myself. This one has no secret key to unlock it's door. It just will unlock when you like yourself more than you care about what others think about you. Other people who see you aren't focusing in on the faults you are about yourself. Most people who see you aren't thinking about you at all, but about their own weaknesses, problems, etc.

I know it's easy to say these things but then when you're in the situation your familiar feelings and worry makes you forget that no one is judging you in the way you're judging yourself. You could wear something so you remember, like a blue bracelet or something like that.

The more you sit in nursing school though and have those teacher check off encounters, the easier it will all get. You'll get desensitized to it, you'll start thinking clearer, and all those social anxiety thoughts will decrease. Keep writing here :)

Oh also remind yourself that not everyone has to like you and that's fine. Some people are really turned off by me, then others are amused by me, then others genuinely like me. My teachers know I'm high strung. They like me because I show respect to them in every way, and try hard in my work. Let your teacher know you're nervous. You can be an excellent student nurse even with some nervous energy because you show them you know how to focus through that. It becomes a strength, not a weakness.

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

I have hyper hydrosis and anxiety (and some other stuff, too)

As far as the glove issue, once I became a nurse I was able to relax enough to put on gloves without too much difficulty. Using a size larger helped.

As far as being nervous at clinicals, I am, but I carry myself well, I try to project confidence. Most people say they think I am confident. Nope, sometimes I just fake it till I make it! My clinical instructor could tell I was nervous tho, when she took my pulse during sim lab-110! I hate that my pulse races like that.

Regarding sweaty feet- I make accommodations for myself. Thick socks, rotate shoes to avoid odor, etc.

You can get through nursing school and work as a nurse with anxiety. I think plenty of nurses have challenges with this. However it would be useful to learn ways to curb excess anxiety, as nursing is a field that one can always find a reason to worry about something, I think.

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

PM me and I'll tell you about my experience with ETS for hyperhidrosis. Best decision I ever made!


I've been a nursing student for about a month now also. I can definitely relate to your social anxiety. I got to be besties with anxiety from the age of 14. It's a struggle everyday.

My advice would be don't let your social anxiety hold you back from attending class. Even if you don't have class that day, go out anyway. Go out everyday for at least 5 minutes. This has really helped me get into routine, at the same time it's kept my anxiety at bay. Honestly until about a month ago i'd only leave the house if I had errands to run or would see my bestfriend about once a month or so.

It's just helped with the anxiety in general. Give yourself a break though. Try to give yourself a break.

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