Antonomy and physiology ll


Hello guys. I was wondering if you guys can give advice on what should I do for a&p 'll.

I'm currently taking the class we did 4 test already which I did poorly my highest grade was a 70 we only have 3 more test to go and I don't know if I will be able to make to a b. I have always been A B type of student but this class I just don't see to get a good grade. For a&p l I got a b. Should I stay in the class or should I withdraw from the class.

My first advice is always this: talk to your teacher. Figure out together where your weak spots are. See how realistic they think getting an A or B is at this point. Ask if they advise you to withdraw. They are the ones that know your chances probably better than you do.

Good luck.

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

you need the class so as PP said, talk to instructor. C is usually all that is needed. I figured out early in nursing school that passing with a C is still going to get me and RN. We had a very difficult bunch of teachers. It's like they wanted us to fail (when 35/36 students fail a test, we are not ALL stupid). There are LOTS of YouTube resources. I did A&P online and my professor gave us a bunch of links to watch to supplement, especially the physiology. You can do it!!

Thank you guys.

I figured out. The highest I will get is c+ if I get 100 on the last 3 test.

My teacher says that a w has a negative effect on health careers. Do you guys think I should stay and them retake the class and try to get an A.

Specializes in MSICU.
Thank you guys.

I figured out. The highest I will get is c+ if I get 100 on the last 3 test.

My teacher says that a w has a negative effect on health careers. Do you guys think I should stay and them retake the class and try to get an A.

The answer to this depends on the nursing program(s) you are planning to apply to. Are there points against you for having a W? Do they accept grades from retakes? Are there points against you for retaking? Every nursing program has their own specific criteria concerning these questions. Your instructor may be generalizing and that advice may or may not apply to you.

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

take the C, it's ok. We had a cheer that we did before every test (really corny but we were a really bonded class: Give me and "A" A! Give me a "B" B! Give me a "C" C! What's that spell? RN! Silly but we got through :)

It was such an adjustment for me. I have a 4.0 GPA from my Masters degree and then I struggle through a 2 year nursing degree? Talk about humbling. However, failure was not an option so I pushed through and passed the NCLEX first time with 70 questions. Don't give up!!!!!

Specializes in MSICU.

What the above poster said is definitely true once you are in nursing school... My professor said his fav Dr had a saying: "C=MD" because as long as he passed med school and boards he was a Dr regardless of his grades (and he chose to concentrate on the medicine he would be practicing rather than other medicine he wouldn't). But since you still have to get accepted into a nursing program you'll need to find out how your outcome in this class will effect that per your desired program's policies.

Thank you so much guys:)

I'm going to do my best to get a c.

I'm planning to retake the course because the school that I want to go requires a very high gpa on pre records. That school that I want to go they don't care about W but I won't withdraw from the class. I have been study really hard and I have understand the chapters but my teacher test are really hard I just don't seem to get an A on a test. Any tips of what should I do to get a better grade next time. Should I re take with same teacher or no?

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