Please dont laugh but I sometimes have a problem figuring out what the IV med book is saying.
For example,say Im giving IV Ancef,and the book says "Each 1 Gm or fraction thereof must be diluted with at least 10ml of sterile water for injection. To reduce the incidence of thrombophlebitis, may be further diluted in 50 to 100 ml of 5% dextrose in water,normal saline for injectionon or other compatible infusion solutions."
So if I want to give an IV intermittant infusion of Anecef, do I dilute it in 10ml of sterile h2o and then mix that into say 100cc of NS?
When I asked a nurse on the floor how to give the Anecef she said just draw 5cc from the 100cc bag of NS,dilute the Anecef with that 5cc of NS,then stick the Anecef,diluted with 5cc of NS back into the 100cc NS Bag and run it.
Is that cool? Thats not what the IV med book says.