Another Transistions ?: Implied/Informed Consent


Ok.. Question regarding Implied/Informed Consent.

I know implied is used in emergency situations, but what about a patient that has a head injury or is chemically incapacitated. They are not in the right state to make this decision. So does the nurse stop the consent process or is it implied? Or do I need more information to make the decision? Sorry I don't know if this sounds stupid or am I just reading too much into it.

Thanks again.

You know, I am going on expereince here, but I think that it is done by the extent of the injury and the severeness of what they are consent. In the test, I think that the answer is no, but in reality they do it all the time.

I don't think that they are going to allow a very drunk person to make a decision about having a brain biospy, but if that same guy wants to consent to IV fluids, no problem.

I would also be interested in the answer to this question.

Thank you.. My test is tomorrow and as you can see I am a bit nervous. I seem to always read too much into things.

I meant that in the test I BELIEVE that you would not be able to get consent from a person who was chemically or medically impared.

Yes, I knew what you meant.. Thank you for clarifying it though. Are you taking these exams with EC and if so have you taken this one?

good luck on your test today.... Let us know how you did

Thank you.. I PASSED!!!!. This was my last exam. As prepared as I thought I was, I didn't do as well as I wanted to. There were several questions on functional nursing/situational nursing. Definitely a few that I just had no idea. But it is over and on to the FCCA & CPNE.

Specializes in Pediatrics/Adult Float Pool.

welcome to the psychosis i call "finishing up"!!! it will be quite a ride, so buckle up and get ready! and congratulations! great job!

Good job with passing!

Make sure that you get all the CPNE stuff together now. You have a few things that you have to get-- a medical exam, a background check, etc... you can actually sign up for the CPNE without having finished (or even registered) for the FCCA, so put the CPNE as #1 on your priority list!

And congrats to you!


thank you. I thought I had everything lined up, but they will not accept my cpr card and I need to take another course this weekend. So I was stressed, but there is nothing that I can do other than to retake it. But everything is in line. Thank you for the advise and best of luck to you in everything.

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