Published May 24, 2018
45 Posts
When is it too soon to try the PVT? I took my exam this afternoon at 2pm. Finished at 6pm with 170 questions, I think? It might have been 172? I just remember seeing 170, answering the question, and then it's like my brain shorts out and I've forgotten if I answered another question after that, and then reboots itself when the computer shut down.
ANYWAY, I feel absolutely crap about it. Like my brain can't accept any other option than failure because I legit had no idea what the answer to over half of those questions were, I swear. I got the NCLEX email about blah blah you must have questions blah blah give us more money for quick results, and that reached me at about 6:30. My quick results aren't available, however.
I got home at 9:30pm, tried the PVT, and got the good pop up. Again, my mind won't accept the possibility that I didn't fail. So have any of you tried the PVT only 3 hours post-exam, got the good pop, and then still failed? Because I can't seem to be happy over that result. I'm just convinced that it's a glitch, or I'm doing something wrong, or that the PVT just doesn't work.
257 Posts
You may have passed since the majority of them that got the good pop up said they passed. Yours won't be a different result i hope so. Keep believing GOD, you will pass. May i ask a question please, you said you do not know half of the answers to the questions right! Please explain to us that are preparing, if the topics are not what you have come across or that the answers to the questions are Vague like. Did you see topics you have come across but couldn't figure out the answers or that you have never come across those topics before. Any input will be helpful. Wisshing you all the best.
I actually did end up passing! I got the email from my state's board of nursing at 6 this morning with my license number. So as far as I know, the PVT works! Honestly, I felt like mine was really hard, and I have no idea how I passed. There were a lot of questions about things I don't remember ever hearing about in class. So I don't know if it was because I was doing well so was getting the harder questions the further I went? But that seems like a flimsy theory considering it took me 170 questions to finish. I got A LOT of prioritization, which made me wish I'd used the Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment book I bought more than I did. I spent most of my time doing UWorld questions, and I feel like I probably should have focused on that book instead.