Nurses Activism
Published Apr 7, 2007
4,491 Posts
Another idea
... Criticizing various proposals because they depend on private, for-profit insurance companies, Angell wrote: "They all have the same fatal flaw ... no workable mechanism to control costs. ... We need to change the system completely and get the insurance industry as well as employers out of it. ... It would make much more sense to extend Medicare to everyone. ...
"This could be done gradually by dropping the eligibility age a decade at a time, while phasing out the insurance companies. ... Medicare is not perfect, but its problems are readily fixed. It is far more efficient than private insurance ... and since it is administered by a single public agency, controlling costs would be possible."...,0,1831818,print.column?coll=ny-entertainment-columnists
1,355 Posts
Somehow, I dont think that ANY proposals that deal with reform will be accepted by those who choose to be blind and deaf to reason, to good old fashioned common sense. Again, there are so many proposals out there regarding universal health care and/or a version of it, SURELY (I would hope) intelligent thinking people can come to some meeting of the minds to improve health care for all.It does not have to be strictly universal healthcare for all, those who chose, could continue to buy their own private healthcare.
246 Posts medicare really the model for efficient health plan administration? or is this just more government hocus pocus (not that that has ever happened....)
food for thought:
let me be clear: i don't know the solution...but i am pretty sure that 100% universal coverage is not the best option.
maybe blago is on to something...a hybrid of employer and state funded coverage...
HM2VikingRN, RN
4,700 Posts medicare really the model for efficient health plan administration? or is this just more government hocus pocus (not that that has ever happened....)food for thought: me be clear: i don't know the solution...but i am pretty sure that 100% universal coverage is not the best option.maybe blago is on to something...a hybrid of employer and state funded coverage...
france has a mixed system such as you describe....