Wanted to share my experience and timeline with the CA BRN.
In August 2010 I was pulled over for a DUI. Convicted in early 2011 with a misdemeanor. Expunged my conviction mid 2014 prior to nursing school. Graduated nursing school mid- May 2017. Submitted my application to the BRN late may. Heard back today in the mail that they will not be pursuing any disciplinary actions against me. I should be getting my ATT sometime this week!
In my application, I included the following:
1) My personal letter explaining my dui and what I have done to show that the DUI was out of character for me
2) Approx 8 letter of recs from nursing professors, preceptors, and previous co-workers.
3) Certified copy of the police report
4) Certified copy of the court records including expungement
5) Proof of my volunteer hours (over 400 hours)
6) Copies of awards (nursing honor society, and volunteer awards)
I was stressed the entire process, even before nursing school started. But I am glad I stuck it out. I'll be happy to answer questions.