And the verdict is...

Nursing Students General Students


ACCEPTED! :w00t:

I just got my notice today in the mail and I am SOOOOOO excited!!! I have been working towards this for eight (yes eight) years and was finally able to apply and got in!!!

I am proud to say that I will be attending TMCC and will be joining the ranks of nursing graduates for 2011!!

Lots to do but I am definitely up for the challenge.

If you have any suggestions for my preparation for school, please, PLEASE, feel free to post your words of wisdom!

I am so excited I don't think I can sleep! :hpygrp:

It feels so nice to finally be amongst the ranks of nursing students.

Specializes in L&D/Maternity nursing.

I have kept most of mine but told incoming students to get in touch with me before buying any new ones.

I have all the ATI review books, plus Saunders and really only want to hold onto my Med/Surg, Fundamental, Patho and OB texts (because I want to go into OB). The rest can go.

Congratulations to you!

Way to go Siennah! I graduated from nursing school last month, 35 years after I was initially turned down by nursing school. I found school to be an adventure and a challenge, made some great friends in the process and best of all, now I am a nurse!

Keep us informed, you will do well

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