Published Jul 2, 2010
82 Posts
So, really, in your experience how bad is it. What school did you take it from, and what supplements did you use (if any) to help you with the course/lab?
What are the labs like?
I'm enrolled in A&P 1+Lab for my freshman year this Fall.
106 Posts
im taking AP1 for my summer 2 semester starting july 12th. I hope i do well. all i know is Chemistry kicked my behind, i have to retake it (im so bad inmath)
All I've been able to discern is that it's heavy memorization.
117 Posts
It is a lot of material. You really only need the materials they say to get, but I practiced a lot with on-line lab tests from my school. In my opinion it is essential to spend extra time in the lab or a study lab looking at slides and the body parts. I remember University of Minnesota having a great resource practice site for identifying bones, muscles etc. I would just google whatever we were working on and many sites would come up. I also recall being very freaked out, but just keep up on the work and it will be fine. Good luck.
They have an "Atlas" and an interaction CD/DVD which, so everyone on amazon says, is better than the coloring books for studying. Sound similar to your practice site.
In your opinion do you think it's wise for me to get into A&P 1 my first semester? I have Intro to Psych and English I also.
Not sure what else you have going on in your life such as family, work etc. but I think you will be fine. Psych is known to have lots of memorizing, but my instructor allowed notes so I lucked out. One person in my class had the coloring book and she was coloring the entire time and not holding the bones actually learn and she was hurting as far as grade wise. I believe my atlas came with the bundle of books. I did not purchase anything separate but now I have Kaplan anatomy flash cards and thought why didn't I have this for my anatomy class. Haven't used them much but thought for reference in nursing school. I start in Aug. Some of the web sites allow you to print out sheets and practice writing in the names. Very few people do well on the first test that is histology in the lab portion. Oh, I just remembered it is webanatomy at university of MN. You can google that and see what the histology and other labs will be like. It is just practice at looking at these things. Again, the study lab I went to had the microscopes to take out slides or all the bones/muscles etc.
237 Posts
I loved the coloring book and this book called something like "The home lab" it had all the pics of the school models all labeled. I also had a little pocket sized spiral bound A&P book that I even refer back to in nursing courses. Personally I like A&P 2 better than part 1, but I did take 1 over the summer too, so that tends to make it worse. But overall I enjoyed both courses, but did have all sorts of extra material I used as I mentioned. Good luck
The Kaplan Flash Cards- right on. I've got a list of study aids saved on Amazon along with textbooks to buy.
This is the class I'm most anxious about, but since there are no science or math pre-reqs, it does take some of the anxiety out of it for me- I did well in Anatomy in HS...but that was 18 years ago :)
I had heard a lot of good things about the coloring book, Chocolate, but after reading about the Atlas and the interaction CD/DVD with all the high-res pics, and the ability to mouse-over parts of the body to ID parts, and how much people who've used both say they like the Atlas/CD combo...well, I'm going with that for now.
And the flash cards. Always been a fan of the cards for any subject :)
I'm probably psyching myself out- the grad school I want to attend will exempt me out of GRE's with a 3.4 GPA for undergrad studies. Hehe.
58 Posts
How hard A&P is, absolutely, 100%, depends on your professor.
95 Posts
The lab portion for me was the easiest because I took pictures of the lab models, and loaded them on my computer to study from. Coloring books helped me with learning the bones, but I would definitely take pictures if your professor allows you to. I also typed up my notes and made a study guide from my professor's lecture (I would record the lecture with a digital recorder) It was all time consuming, but very helpful!
That is interesting as I had the same thought for just this course, re: taping the lecture and typing up the notes. However, I'm reading that many times taping isn't allowed, and most sources claim it's detrimental.
Did it work out for you/what did you finish the course with?
What is the difference between the lecture exam and the lab exams?
32 Posts
If you are allowed to tape the lectures, I HIGHLY recommenced it. I have my instructors voiced burned into my brain from listening to the recordings over and over again. It was also nice to have them as a reference to go to if I had questions. As far as typing out the recordings... I never had time, would have been worried about spending all my time typing and not concentrating on learning the info....I know some people learn well that way though. It all boils down to how much time you have and the best way you learn.
I also used flash cards for anatomy which helped me greatly. I was able to find some flashcards that you could color in, which helped a lot for the bones.
I think you just have to try out different things and see what works for you, then stick with it. Everyone has a different way of learning.
Good Luck!!!