An Observation...

Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students


I start school on August 25th.

We had to do BLS with our class at the school this past Wednesday, and I'm kind of shocked.

There were younger girls (I'm 28) who were super catty, openly, to older students. Lots of gossip LOUDLY, and just..I don't know. NOT what I expected.

I feel like I'm being a jerk, like judgmental or something. But I expected a better caliber of people.

We were learning about AED's and how to use them, and I was standing next to the table, not touching it, and some lady who'll be in my class with me started randomly yelling at me, interrupting the demonstration.



I wasn't anywhere near it, so I didn't realize she was talking to me..and she's a student so...


Finally one of the instructors said 'nobody's touching the table..we need to continue'

I've learned as an adult to keep my mouth shut and have a low profile to avoid trouble, which is the ANTITHESIS of my nature.

But I handle it well.

I just couldn't believe the lack of maturity and so forth that I saw. Is this normal in school?

I'm going to a pretty reputable school too. I just didn't expect this.

my classmates are pretty awesome. even my instructor said that this is the first class she's had where no one hated or even disliked another student.

Wow, I'd be so shocked and disappointed if that stuff happened in my class. I just had my BLS class last night and it was great! I think about half of us were going to be in the nursing program (in two weeks!!!) and there was a nurse recert'ing and some others. It was very professional and everyone was nice to each other.

I am nervous about what my actual class is going to be like. It always really disappoints me to hear stuff like this because it's just so unprofessional. Nursing is probably the only career field that I've consistently heard about that seems so snarky and unprofessional in this area. Why is that ever acceptable? Of course, there are office politics and "drama" in every work situation, but I wish nursing didn't have that reputation, kwim? When I was an undergrad I never heard stuff like this coming from the education majors or marketing majors, just about nursing programs. It's one thing to be competitive, but to just be immature and nasty just really upsets me :down:

I hope your nursing instructors nip it in the bud when classes start.

Sometimes, a person just has to be assertive and set boundaries against the bullies. Maybe she will just flunk out, which would save the class and future pts. grief.

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