Help, all you wise fellow nurses out there! I have been in nursing for twenty one years, with the past two spent on the boundaries doing a non-nursing job. Due to financial reasons, decided to give it a go again on a part time basis...figured I could "handle it" for just two days per week, no matter how "tough" it was once I had returned. I love nursing. Love people. Suffice it to say that I felt ready to return to it but a few personal issues have surfaced and with a brave face I thought I'd faced them down. Now, this morning at work, during my first week of orientation, I was called into the administrator's office and confronted with a comment I had made yesterday that was out of line, something said innocently, but sounded very gossipy. Anyway, I realized the error of my ways and apologized, but the adm. and my immediate nsg. super. are now on tenderhooks, it seems, about my future behavior there as a nurse. They even said that one of my references was regarded as I had a poor attitude at that workplace....what? I have had difficulties with some places in the past but thought that was "confidential" information! I am shocked. I feel so stupid and you name it, I feel it. I am not saying I'm a victim here. I am asking what to do next in my situation. I have to decide today and this evening to make a final decision. I left the office in tears, shattered in my lack of self confidence after the meeting with them...was trying to stay and orient but kept crying and couldn't stop. Couldn't concentrate, h/a, the whole nine yards. A little hx on me personally, bipolar disorder dx. within the past year, had to go off meds that had it under control due to the out of pocket expense, I seem to not qualify for assistance of any kind due to husband's income. I feel like I've fallen thru a crack in our system. I want to get better, do better, help others, return to nursing at least on a part time basis, but can't seem to get over this feeling of can't climb out of the hole. Does this make any sense? I'm so overwhelmed right now. I have managed to not cry a tear over some personal issues here at home regarding a daughter's medical condition and her having to move back home, but this morning, it was like a dam let loose and now I am wondering if I even should go back tomorrow and finish orientation with this company? I feel like I've damned myself with them....I'm embarassed. Help. Need input. Any will be welcome. Thank you for the very winded vent!:uhoh21: