Published Apr 17, 2008
9 Posts
I'm not even in nursing school yet, and I'm wondering if I'm too sensitive to be a nurse. I've been reading posts about working at a nursing home(night shift) and having to check on patients every two hours, wake them at 4am to bath,dress etc. to have them to breakfast at 7. All I can thinnk about when reading this is my own 84 y.o. "Nana" and how she would feel being woken every 2 hrs. throughout the night for the rest of her life. It just seems so harsh. Yikes! It makes me sad and I don't know how I will be able to do that to another persons "Nana". I realize it it is procedure and it is to take care of them etc. but how do get over feeling bad for the patietnts. I want to make them feel better, not make their life more difficult. Am I being too sensitive? Will I get used to this schedule/routine of care? Thanks for any feedback!
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
Making rounds and checking on patients every 2hours doesn't mean waking them up, it just means checking on them to be sure they are ok. Most LTC if a patient says they don't want woken up at 7a then they don't have to be.
No you are not too sensitive. Good Luck
128 Posts
I don't think you'll have to bathe your patients every 2 hours. You'll be fine.
554 Posts
Maybe you should look into another facility other than a LTC?
1,051 Posts
I think a lot of it depends on the nurse. Just recently my son was in Childrens medical center for a week, and I stayed with him the whole time. The nurses would come in every couple of hours and check on him, but most of the time we never woke up. We did have a nurse one night that would open the door all the way when she came in, walk heavy, bang things around and wake us up every time.
It really made us appreciate the kind nurses who were thoughtful enough to know sleep is important.
I am sure you will be one of those kind of nurses. Your not to sensitive just thoughtful.
56 Posts
I have to agree with your sentiments, however, it is critical as a nurse that you are able to follow strict orders, and not allow your personal views/feelings to stand in the way of your duties. You will encounter a multitude of situations that will not be agreeable to you, but remember that highly educated and trained personal have given the said directives/orders which must be complied with at every turn. Sometimes lack of understanding can lead to doubt so don't be shy to ask questions of a higher authority. This will teach you too. Your heart is in the right place, but don't let it rule your head!
349 Posts
I wouldn't worry about being too sensitive, if anything it will help you to take better care of your patients because you are more thoughtful. I'd be proud of it if I were you!