Am I hallucinating??

Nurses General Nursing


Let me start by saying... I had surgery last Friday and I've been on some really crazy painkillers... so forgive me please if I am totally insane here...

But I thought there was a thread about TazziRN on administrative leave and I can't find the thread anymore. I'm just wondering if you/(TazziRN) are ok or if I totally dreamed this up.... (along with the dream I had that I was eaten by a man-eating plant)....

Anyway... if it's true.. I was just curious if you are doing ok... and if I dreamt it... I'm really sorry!

There was a thread about that... I searched and my post to that thread can't be found, so evidently the thread has been deleted. You're not hallucinating. :)

You're not hallucinating, it was removed by a mod for my safety. Apparently I've given out too much info. I'm fine, still waiting to hear. I have turned it over to God and whatever happens, will happen. If I end up terminated then it will be God's way of telling me I need to leave there.

The man-eating plant.......well..................

Well... I'm glad to hear you are ok....Thanks for responding... I hope it all works out for you real soon. Take care!

Thanks for the good wishes, much appreciated!!

Specializes in L&D, PACU.

Whoa! I must have missed that one. I'll be thinking strong thoughts over here, that everything comes out right. Let us know what happens, 'kay?

Tazzi- I missed the thread, but I pray all goes well for you.

Specializes in Flight, ER, Transport, ICU/Critical Care.

Hey there TazziRN -

I missed the thread, but I do hope and pray that all will turn out to your favor.

If there is any thing that you need, please contact me -

Take Care.

Specializes in geriatrics,med/surg,vents.

luvmy3,I remember?when I was in the hosp.on a morphine drip,swore up and down that I had gone out with a girlfriend and died my hair pink,was so upset I tried to get the nurses to get me a hat so nobody would see my hair!

Tazzi I hope things work out for you

I've been eaten by a man eating plant, driven off of a cliff, peeled my dd's face off to get to an ear infection, my son was kidnapped, and there were monkeys on my walls. this is all since last Friday... what did they put in my IV?????

Again... take care Tazzi....

I dunno, but it musta been good!

Thanks, Luv!

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