Alternative Therapies with Western medical model

Nurses Education


what are your view my dear nursing students colleagues friends, educators and patients on alternative therapies in the health setting .

Yeah. I'm pretty much a cynic when it comes to various forms of woo. But... to each his or her own.

Prove it to me empirically, and then I'll hop on board.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, grates me like therapeutic touch or the treatment it gets in, of all places, nursing diagnoses. OMG - when I read about that and how it 'can't be performed unless you're a licensed practitioner' - well, I already thought ND's were fluff that only further served to divide us from the rest of the medical world that speaks medicine, but that was the nail in the coffin for me. I pay ND's lip service because I have to, and just carry out the scope of my practice like the rest of the world.

For the record, I believe in most CAM.

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