Published Jan 28, 2014
610 Posts
OMG .. thank goodness for the weather. The classes being cancelled for tomorrow and Wednesday just saved me. Thought I had been doing so good this semester, only to find out that I had an A&P test THIS THURSDAY! What? I had no idea .. not sure how I misread or skipped over that in the syllabus. My professor never even reminded us that we had an upcoming test so soon.
There is absolutely no way I would have passed the test on Thursday. My professor's notes are so vague. In class he reads directly from his notes so basically unless I pull out a book, I won't learn much at all. Test has been postponed until 2/4. I have a whole week to study now. Whew .. what a sigh of relief.
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,568 Posts
Good day:
As an adult, consider any reminders as nice, but not required; your professors are not your baby sitter. If exams are not listed in the syllabus, then ask early for a list of the exam dates along with what material will be covered in the exam.
Thank you.
39 Posts
I hope you open a book in A&P regardless of what you're teacher is doing in class.... That being said, for every class, when you get the syllabus, read it twice. Mark down any dates in your planners. Triple check them against the syllabus and make sure you have your planner with you at all times. My understanding is when we get to clinicals, late isn't an option, so train yourself now!
FuturePedRN2016, CNA
84 Posts
My instructor for A&P managed to leave out the first 6 weeks out of the syllabus (Don't ask)! So we have no idea as to anything going on with her. She just sent an email yesterday afternoon that the next chapter's pre-lab is due TONIGHT! I got right on it but as everyone has stated, read the book. Reminders are not required, they are a courtesy. I purchased a datebook just for school purposes to fill in quiz dates, tests, etc. I make a copy each week and post it on my fridge for my family to see (of course their appointments are penciled in as well like basketball games, etc so they can see if mommy can make it or not). So in my backpack I have a datebook AND a spiral notebook I pull out in EVERY CLASS to write down the assignments (in detail) so I will not forget! Good luck!
94 Posts
I have a a&p test tomorrow( eventho we were a week and a half behind because the instructor was sick)) he's still giving us this test!!!!!!!!! But all I can do is my best
Good day:As an adult, consider any reminders as nice, but not required; your professors are not your baby sitter. If exams are not listed in the syllabus, then ask early for a list of the exam dates along with what material will be covered in the exam.Thank you.
That's true. Reminders are not required. That's why I said I don't see how I skipped over it in the syllabus. It was my fault, luckily I caught it in time.
Thanks for the advice! :)
I honestly didn't open it once for A&P I. My professor gave very detailed notes of her own, and I also took detailed notes of my own while in class. She also assigned TONS of quizzes and homework from the Mcgraw Hill Connect website, which connects to our book. I never needed to open it because I had everything I needed in front of me--I actually understood it all too.
That's definitely not the case for this class. Not only does the professor give vague notes and reads directly from them, he gives no homework. I have no choice but to open the book if I want to succeed in the class.
As far as a planner, I don't have one. For me, they ALWAYS get in the way, just extra stuff to keep up with. I don't see a use for them. I'll give it another try though. I will also be getting Post-its to write down all of my exam dates and post them on my wall. That way I won't forget.
Thanks! :)
Geesh. Don't you just hate that? I'm going to start posting exam/assignment dates in my room on the wall so I won't forget. This definitely can't happen again.
Good luck to you as well!
Good luck!!
Geesh. Don't you just hate that? I'm going to start posting exam/assignment dates in my room on the wall so I won't forget. This definitely can't happen again.Good luck to you as well!
Have you tried posting the reminders in your phone? I do that too! I know that planners aren't for everyone. I used to start off really good with one and then by March or April its done for! LOL! I have to stick to it this time though for me!
18 Posts
I post all of my due dates to my email's calendar, 5hen sync that with my phone's calendar. I set my reminders for however far ahead of time I want to be reminded, and my phone alerts me plus I receive an email. There are also planner apps that will track your assignments, due dates, notes, grades, schedule,etc