All Nursing Students 50 and older! I need your feedback.

Nursing Students General Students


Hi everyone,

I am currently waiting to get into nursing school and was wondering how many of us mature students are out there. I recently turned 50 and I am feeling pretty good, in same ways better than I did in my younger years. However, I am not naive enough to think that I will make it through NS without some battle scars. I know a clean lifestyle goes a long way and I have greatly improved my diet and exercise habits over the last few years. I am just afraid that when NS starts and the stress kicks in, all of those good habits will go right out the window. I would love to hear your suggestions and recommendations.

Thanks to every that has replyed to my posting. Since I work in a hospital now very part time, I have learned so much. I know that there are many different jobs in nursing and The older ladies may need to look into other type paperwork and management jobs instead of bedpan nursing. That is that is the hardest anyway. There are case management nurses, pallitative nurses, and also legal nurses. I am just going to get through the nursing program first and worry about that later. Thanks again. I will keep everyone posted if I have anything to report.

I started an ADN program last week, I'm 54. I feel so stressed out, but so is everyone else! You can do it!! Maturity is an advantage and so is perserverance.

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