All I can say is EEEEEEKKKKK!!!!!

Nurses General Nursing


I am a little freaked out right now. I had my first pt ever and I am a freshman in the nursing program. We were put on telemetry and I hear that usually only sr's get telemetry. But since they are trying to keep instructors on same units everytime and my instructor got the freshmen this yr, we are on telelmtry. Others that have other instructors got easier places like rehab and such. It is really crazy. Some of my friends on other units hve a pt with only 1 problem with them and no HX of other stuff. My first pt has had heart and lung problems and on 20 meds and I have to emmorize each drug and make up drug cards for each. I am so bogged down with reading to do for lecture and sim lab that I feel like I am going to pass out from exaughstion. I am kinda glad to be doing the hard unit right off the bat as It will better prepare me but it is also not fair that we have 3 times or more the homework and stuff as other students. grrrr!

thanks for letting me vent. I needed that. :)

Specializes in Medical.
:rotfl: Oh man! You nailed it on the head when it comes to me fright! All that stuff you said, I only knew what you were talking about with half of it!:rotfl: That is what I mean by eek! lol.

It sucks that you don't have a more involved RN working with you, and I didn't mean to freak you out - sorry! However here's the good news - by the time you finish your training you'll not only know what all that stuff I said means, it'll mean something more than words on a page. You'll have seen for yourself, first hand, how treatemnt of complex patients has to take a variety of factors into account. I'm not denying that this is hard in the short term but you'll be a better nurse for it, I promise :)

You need to get to bed so that you can think clearer than you are typing tonight, LOL!! I know you are stressed but wake up with a smile and remember that you WILL get through the day with more knowledge than you went in with. Good luck!! :rolleyes:
lol, thanks. I see I made a lot of spelling errors. I did need to get to bed. I still feel a little frazzled but I think I will take a 20 minute power nap while my kids watch cartoons and then get ready for clinical. I just finished up my NCP. Those are tough too. I get my pt assignment on Tuesday evening and have to have it all written up (drug cards too) by wed. morning. phew! :)

Oh my goodness! You are so right! I know this is a couple years too late

but sorry for all the typos. lol. I love that they have spell check on here now. That way if I am too tired I can check the spelling. :)

You need to get to bed so that you can think clearer than you are typing tonight, LOL!! I know you are stressed but wake up with a smile and remember that you WILL get through the day with more knowledge than you went in with. Good luck!! :rolleyes:

I am so sorry to anyone who tried to read this thread. :D I was so tired and very stressed. I remember it well.

I left school in the summer of 2005. My husband wanted me to be home with the babies more and so did I. My 2 at home were 1 and 2 at the time and that added to my stress levels. My husband said I could go to school as long as it did not interfere with home at all.

I would cook meals for dinner and set them in fridge and take care of babies during the day and then go to classes at night and study from the time I got home from clinical or class until about AM when the babies would wake up. I remember one night setting up my text books to study, turning the TV on (in my bedroom) and the next thing i knew I was waking up in my Pj's the next morning. My hubby swears got my pj's on. My books were stacked neatly by the bed but I do not recall doing it. I was burnt out.

i had a friend in A&PI with me. She left school cuz she had a baby. She is now an LPN but is not currently working because she wants to be home with her kids. I had another baby about a year ago and I moved to another state. My hubby says I can go back to school when the kids are older. My friend is moving here too and we will go back together again.

I think that when the kids are older, it will be more fun and less stressful for me that the first time. I was a GREAT student. 3.8 GPS but I was too stressed and I think it showed. Not a good thing to be with your patients

Oh and I am KibbsRNstudent btw. I changed my user name. LOL

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