All FSCJ Spring 2013 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


Hi everyone! I decided to start this thread in hopes of seeing if there is anyone excited about applying to the fscj RN program spring 2013. I am currently taking a microbiology class this summer. I would have applied for fall 2012 but met with some technical difficulties. I have 206 in total points w/o micro. Let's stay in touch and keep this ball rolling!

Hey Liamsmama,

I just sent you an email to see if you could send me the Spring application. Just realized I need to get going on filling everything out. Time is flying. I take my CPR class Saturday and my NAT exam on the 17th and then I am done. Yay! I am hoping the NAT goes well. Thanks. :)

Hello Spring Hopefuls! I am new to the site! I applied for the FSCJ Fall nursing program, but did not get in. I didn't do well on the NAT - AT ALL!! I think my strategy was all wrong. I spent way too much time on the questions instead of trying to answer as many as possible. I am planning to reapply for Spring term, and I am praying that I get in. I am having to sit out of school for Fall term because I have nothing left to take. My pre-reqs score is 105, so I need to do really well on the NAT this time around. My previous NAT score was an embarrassing 65.28!! :uhoh3: I have found a lot of helpful information from this thread, and I have gotten excited about applying again. Not much time left, so I'd better get to it! :)

Hey Liamsmama,

I just sent you an email to see if you could send me the Spring application. Just realized I need to get going on filling everything out. Time is flying. I take my CPR class Saturday and my NAT exam on the 17th and then I am done. Yay! I am hoping the NAT goes well. Thanks. :)

Hey katsoares,

I sent you the application this morning-hope you get it! Good luck on your NAT :) I took my CPR class this past Saturday-it was awesome!! Where are you doing yours?

Hey Liamsmama I'm new to this site and I have been reading a lot of great info,congrats on your score"wow" that's awesome. May I ask how did you prepare for the NAT test, I'm planning on taking it in couple of weeks, any advise?

Hello justthe4ofus sorry to hear you did do well on the NAT. I heard its very challenging test, I've taken my prerequisite couple years back, and I just finished with my BA business management. I'm focusing now on the Nursing RN, I'm preparing for the NAT, not sure if I'm studying the right way, it's so much material to cover. Well I wish us hopefuls all the best, I'm sure we all will do well and get in, good luck on your next time around...if anyone wants to meet up and study I'm in. I'm on the north side of town...choa!

Hey Saldridge what side of town you stay on, I'm on the north side of town, let me know if you would like meet up to study, I'm super pump about taking the NAT and finally getting started with nursing.

Hey Liamsmama I'm new to this site and I have been reading a lot of great info,congrats on your score"wow" that's awesome. May I ask how did you prepare for the NAT test, I'm planning on taking it in couple of weeks, any advise?

Hi salori07,

Welcome to the site! When I first found out about allnurses, I was thrilled. It truly is an awesome resource to have :)

Through my years of test-taking, I have found that I do best when I am completely zen. I know that may sound a little hokey, but it really works for me. I have to focus on the task at hand, and forget about all of my other obligations and responsibilites-it's just me and the test. I think too many people psych themselves out. As for how I be honest, I just went over my notes from Chem and API & II. I know that really isn't a lot of help to people who haven't taken the NAT-I wish I had more advice to give!! I'm sure you'll do great though :)

Hello fellow hopefuls does anyone know if fscj has a nursing page for Facebook? I found a page but it does not have any of fscj nursing students. If there is one can someone let me know so I can join, maybe I can chat with a couple of my fellow classmates, thanks much choa!

Thank you Liamsmama I do agree that's the best way to study , I'm not a great test taker, so I'm going to really try my best not to psych myself out. I've heard students say that they weren't much AP question on the test, but I'm going study all areas, thanks much choa!

Where is the best place to get the BLS done? I don't have much time!!

Hello everyone! I will also be applying for the nursing program Spring 2013! I completed my prerequisites a few years ago when I first got in college after high school. I changed my major from nursing because... well, to be honest, I kept hearing stories about how competitive all of the programs in Florida were, so was scared I wouldn't get in. Crazy right? Anyway, I was young and wanted to have the "college experience", so I ended up getting my AA, transferring to a big four-year school and getting my Bachelor's degree in another area. Now, after working in corporate America and realizing it SUCKS and that I have no passion in what I'm doing, I decided to go back to my original goal of nursing. I just wished I would've stuck with it in the first place!

Anyway, my prerequisite points add up to 106. I'm taking the NAT this Saturday and have been practicing and timing myself over the last couple of weeks. The last standardized test I took was the GRE, which I did really well on, but I'm still nervous about this one. The science portion is what really has me worried, because I haven't taken a science course since 2009. YIKES. :uhoh3:

Can anyone who has taken the test recently tell me if they provide you with a calculator to use on the test? Some people have told me no, and others have told me yes.

Where is the best place to get the BLS done? I don't have much time!!

Hi mandasue, I went to a place in the Ortega/Riverside/Murray Hill area. If this is anywhere near you, give this guy a call. His name is Sig and he is awesome! Here is his info: Signet CPR 4140 Lakeside Dr Jax, FL 32210 (904) 387-2286, or you can email him at: [email protected]. He was really informative and helpful. He'll work with your schedule :)

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