
What happened to this website??????

It went down quite some time ago, unfortunately. Someone put a lot of work into that. I can't remember how long it's been gone, but there is a messaged dated February on one of the Yahoo CPNE groups that mentions it being down.

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.

you can still get to the cpne board that was part of that site through this link......

some good info in there...

Excellent! Good to know.

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.

you're welcome :)

though i do miss the entire site....the woman who did it sure put a lot into it, but i know she was getting busy with work and kids, but that website was awesome in its entirety. i'm just glad some of the cpne stuff is available since i'm scheduled finally for october....going to madison.

you're welcome :)

though i do miss the entire site....the woman who did it sure put a lot into it, but i know she was getting busy with work and kids, but that website was awesome in its entirety. i'm just glad some of the cpne stuff is available since i'm scheduled finally for october....going to madison.

best of luck at the all-you-can-eat cpne buffet! in the meantime, i would find some people to run mock pcs's. this is essential to passing the cpne, and i think a lot of folks overlook it. practice all the critical elements till they're second nature.

you might want to get on the cancellation list if you want to move your date up. i was able to schedule quickly that way.

It's a shame about that site. There was a lot of good, useful info. on it. I had copied nearly everything on that site but I threw it away after I passed the CPNE.

you're welcome :)

though i do miss the entire site....the woman who did it sure put a lot into it, but i know she was getting busy with work and kids, but that website was awesome in its entirety. i'm just glad some of the cpne stuff is available since i'm scheduled finally for october....going to madison.

Good luck! As traumahawk suggested, you can often get bumped up due to cancellations if they know you're interested. If you are interested, calling MPAC once a week or so isn't a bad idea. Be polite and don't bug them so much that they burn your file, but let them know you're eager to test.

Specializes in rehab; med/surg; l&d; peds/home care.

oh no, i in no way am remotely prepared for the cpne. i have been seriously studying only for about a month. i don't have anything memorized. i am having the hardest time trying to memorize things, simplify things. i think i am trying to memorize too much, i have a tendency to overcomplicate everything. i also wonder how much personal care i will have to do, as in transfers, etc, cause right now i can't lift and i am in more of a supervisory role due to severe pain. when i finish this program, i am going to have to find another kind of nursing until i have my back surgery. i have a lot of worries about being able to handle it, everyone says "the stress is so intense", i thrive under a certain level of stress, its why i work in the rehab area, it's very very busy, and i thrive in it. but having the weight of passing the cpne riding on it, and not having to come up with another 1625 bucks plus more travel, lodging, etc. i need to pass this, become an RN, need to get out of my toxic working environment, be able to afford my back surgery, be able to take better care of my two kids, since i am single. i have a huge weight just sitting on my shoulders right now. i'll hope i'll have these darn critical elements memorized by october! that's only four months away, and i don't know if i'll be ready. i really have limited time to study. if i'm not at work, i have my kids, and a 3 and 5 year old don't like to hear "mama's studying" at every request to play. sigh. just kinda burnt out on everything right now, sick of my current job and the horizontal nursing backstabbing, management expectations that are way out of this world, etc. ok, i'll shut up now.....or i'll never stop :) thanks for the replies guys!

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