Al Kharj Military Hospital


Hello guys. I am a newbie here. I applied as Staff Nurse in an agency here in Manila. By GOD's wisdom, I passed the exam and interview by the employer of the hospital which is held in Hotel Sofitel in Manila. Now, the agency wants me to get my papers authenticated. I have my credentials authenticated (red ribbon) already by DFA. My problem is, I got it authenticated by UAE embassy. Do I need to get a new authentication again or is it possible to get my credentials authenticated by Saudi Embassy even though it is authenticated by the UAE Embassy? Thanks :)

Hi! I havent signed the contract yet.Im still going to still get a glimpse of it tommorrow. I just got the text that the job offer. I hope to see you there!:)*sigh* at least i have a companion with the same agency. Yes mam Im done witht he authentication of my papers.:) Happy Easter!:D

wow! that's great. i also got a text from AFR.. i'll be there tomorrow. what time are you planning to go there? wah! atleast you're done with authentication.. huhu. i am not yet done, i'll just start to process it tomorrow.

HAPPY EASTER also! God bless you.

Specializes in ER.
wow! that's great. i also got a text from AFR.. i'll be there tomorrow. what time are you planning to go there? wah! atleast you're done with authentication.. huhu. i am not yet done, i'll just start to process it tomorrow.

HAPPY EASTER also! God bless you.

i was at the agency around 4pm mam.did u sign the contract because i just did.i hope you signed also:)

Specializes in ER and ICU.
hi sheenRN:) For me the agency informed me that i passed the interview. I hope you were informed by the agency too:) God Bless!:)

hi kacep.. thanks!:jester: i hope to be contacted by our agency as well. i called them this morning and i was informed that they'll have the result release anytime this week.:nurse:

to kacep:hi! just want to ask if you have a placement fee in AFR. I also took and passed the exam and interview for al kharj last march but in other agency. just want to ask if u have a placement if u don"t mind. thank you.

hello...i am also applicant from arjoy entertainment agency n i think we have been the same date of examination and interview..and i also passed both exam and interview. And now, i am waiting for my visa from Al- Kharj. Are you also still waiting for your visa?:uhoh3:


hi...i am also applicant from arjoys entertainment agency and i also passed both exam and interview. And now, i am waiting for my visa from Al- Kharj. Is there any updates from arjoys? Thanks

hello!!i also aplied at arjoy's agency..i already have my visa last july 30 and up to now i am still waiting for my ticket.. do u have already a visa with u??

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Can I please remind you all of the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you joined the site and that you post only in English. I have edited and deleted posts that contained Tagalog

@lady marie... are you included in the first batch? the first batch are only 29 of them... and im not one of them still waiting for my visa. Do you have new updates from the agency?

for marj: yup i was included on the frst batch!!and the 2nd batch was released last friday and only 14 visa came..try to call the agency po..

@ladymarie is that true! thanks for the infos.. by the way, are u in what unit?

to kacep: hi!!im from arjoys agency..i wud just like to ask if do u have the ticket wid u??or do u have a flyt skedul??ill wait for your rply..

thnx a lot and god bless!!

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