Air Force nursing FQ FY 2018

Specialties Government


Hey everyone. I'm applying for a critical care slot for FY 2018 and was wondering if there is anyone else going through the application process?

Yay, another one! What specialty?

Any news? My recruiter is saying they made selections and are working assignments but no idea when release will be.

Mine said the selections are made they are putting assigments together and should release everything the beginning of next week.

My recruiter is out of state training so I haven't been able to ask any questions or get an update. All of my updates have been from here and the FB page. Has anyone's recruiter given them more specific numbers? I was told 109 nurses were selected across all specialities.

Got this update from my recruiter. "The board just concluded and they're just working on matching COT dates and assignments. That issue they had a couple weeks back set them back on schedule. A total of 109 nurses were selected across all nurse specialties so they said they're hoping to publish results with assignments by next week."

Does anyone know how many nurses applied? 109 does not seem like a lot.

Does anyone know when the next board after this one if not selected?

You have to wait a year to apply again

Who told you that? My recruiter submitted two applications from other people who didn't get in the previous board. I have also seen multiple people on this site who applied the next board after they weren't selected.

I applied last year, didn't get selected, was told I couldn't submit again until it had been a year.

That's crazy, I'll have to recheck with my recruiter.

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