Air bubble (~0.5ml) in pre-filled syringes


I know the small air bubble in pre-filled syringes like clexane should be kept for injection. However, I have seen there is a big air bubble (>0.5ml) in certain pre-filled syringes like NESP, do I need to expel the air after connecting the needle?


Specializes in SICU/CVICU.

I see this all the time as well, but you can actually inject up to 3cc of air without causing harm to the pt-according to the experts. I’m not willing to test that theory and 0.5-0.75 really is in the upper echelon of my personal comfort level. I’d say use your personal judgment and if not comfortable, pull the plunger back and forth a few times or draw the med into a larger syringe to expel the air. 

Specializes in Med-surg, telemetry, oncology, rehab, LTC, ALF.

I always expel the air bubble before giving the med. Why take the risk?

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