Aiken Tech ADN Fall 2017 hopefuls?

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone here applying in May for the Fall 2017 ADN program or LPN program with Aiken Tech?:rolleyes:

This is it you guys! THE FINAL COUNTDOWN has begun....letters go out this week :) *nervous and excited* we will all know soon. Best of luck to each of you!

Yeah I know! Let me know if you end calling to see when they are actually sending them out!

I called this morning to see if the letters have been sent out yet and an Asian lady said that they have not been mailed so I asked when they were going to be mailed and she said that she heard it would be mid July *freaking out* this makes no sense to me because we have to have time to get so many things done before classes start...feeling super stressed now. Anyone hear anything else? Keep in mind, last week a different lady told me the letters would be going on at the end of the month so now I have no clue when they will actually go out :(

Did you call the enrollment center? I can call and see what they say.

I did :( maybe you will get to speak to a different person with better news because the Asian lady definitely made me feel more stressed

I called too and she told me by the second week of July. But i have read other forums of past semesters and I feel like they had this same issue, but then ended up being around the time they were first told. Let me go look at them and see if that was the case, just to make sure. I forgot which one it was.

:( the anticipation and anxiety is unreal!

Hey! I am also anxiously awaiting my letter! It is driving me insane. My mail already came today and nothing!

Yes Twinmom11!! I think it is getting the best of us haha! How many points did you apply with?

I applied with 37 points and 4.0gpa. I am taking micro this summer!

I don't think you'll have any issues getting accepted. I emailed the nursing department chair to see when letters will go out. I will let you all know what she says.

I hope she replies. *anxiously waiting*

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