Aiken Tech ADN Fall 2017 hopefuls?

Nursing Students School Programs


Anyone here applying in May for the Fall 2017 ADN program or LPN program with Aiken Tech?:rolleyes:

I'm super nervous as well but I'm glad to know when to expect letters because I was calling around. Either no answered and they didn't know. Do you all know how the class schedule usually runs?

The ADN program does not do summer classes. I have heard that with the bridge program you join in the ADN for the last two semesters but I may be wrong.

Kiara I'm not really sure how the bridge program is added to the ADN program, but I did hear that the classes schedule is Monday-Thursday.

Ok thanks! I wish you all the best!!! Hope we all make it in!

Thank you Kiara, best of luck :)

I'm still thinking of everyone! I hope we hear something soon!

Fingers crossed that we all receive good news soon :)

I called the enrollment center this morning and was told that all of the letters will go out at the end of the month so hopefully by the end of next week we will all have good news

That's good news! So hopefully we will know by next week, but if not then definitely by the first week of July. Has anyone heard of other people applying and how many points they had? Or how many people applied?

I have no idea how many applications they received, but I do know that a week before the deadline they already had over 200. Which historically speaking is a low number because they usually get 400+ for the Fall so I'm pretty sure they received a good bit during that last week. I was told that they had been getting applications as low as 19 points so that's good for us I suppose. The wait is absolute torture!!

I guess we will just have to wait and see what next week or the next week brings! Are we allowed to call everyday to see if they have been sent? Lol

I don't see why not ;)

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