Agnostic/Athiest Beliefs and Comforting a Dying Patient


I'm sure this post will make me a bit unpopular, but it is something that weighs on my mind. If you don't believe in religion or God - are there other ways to comfort a patient who is religious? What's the most helpful way to handle this issue and respect the patient's religious ideals without seeming insincere?

Specializes in Oncology/Haemetology/HIV.
I'm sure this post will make me a bit unpopular, but it is something that weighs on my mind. If you don't believe in religion or God - are there other ways to comfort a patient who is religious? What's the most helpful way to handle this issue and respect the patient's religious ideals without seeming insincere?

If you use the "search" option - say agnostic or atheist - you will find quite a few threads on this topic, discussing ways that atheist/agnostic nurses care for patients, as well as death and dying issues. There is a great deal of good information there.

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