Age and Returning for BSN/MSN


Hello. I'm a RN with my 2 year degree. I am 32 years old. I have been a RN for 10 years. I have always toyed with the idea of going back for my BSN, but never enough to do anything about it. Well, my youngest started school this year. I was working PRN mostly to be at home with them. Now that I have a lot of free time, I'd really like to go back not only for my BSN, but perhaps my MSN (not sure what specialty yet). I'm by no means saying 32 is old! It's just that most BSN's I know went directly after high school or shortly there after. What have been your experiences to those that went on to get their BSN or MSN? I'd especially like to hear from those who went after the age of 30. Any input greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Age should never be an obstacle or excuse for not doing something you want.

If you want it, go for it. There are people here in their 50s just starting nursing.

Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.

I got my BSN at 36, my MN at 38. There were several people older than I was during my BSN program, and probably half or more of the Master's classmates were older than I. In my FNP group there were 6 of us, I was the youngest but one and that one was maybe 6 months younger.

I worked part time all the way through both programs, BTW, and had kids.

Those of us who are a little older when we go tend to do very well.

If you have the financial ability to go without working on a regular basis, then jump on the opportunity.

If you have any specific questions feel free to PM me!

I was in my mid-30s when I went back to grad school. I was >10 years older than the next oldest person in my specialty track, but there were several students in other specialty areas who were significantly older than me.

If it's something you really want, go for it.

Specializes in Research, ED, Critical Care.

I was in the same situation. I got my BSN at 29 (really easy - clepped out of all the clinicals) while working per diem/kids and finally got my MSN at 42. Go for it. The last year of my MSN (alot of reading and writing) I did not have to work (scrimped, saved) while in school - best experience of my life. Most of my class were 35 plus. GO FOR IT!

Thanks everyone. This is truly encouraging! I believe we'd be fine financially if I continued to work part time. We've made it this long! I don't think I'd want to attempt it if I couldn't do it while working part time. Yes, my kids are in school, but still young. Couldn't imagine full time work, kids, hubby, and school. Though I know many who do it, and God bless you all. I just don't know if I could. I've requested my transcripts and have consulted with the BSN program I'm considering. Hopefully, they'll tell me fairly quickly what prereq's I need. That's the worst part. I've taken all but a couple they require, but at the time I took them, they weren't the college transfer type. :sniff: The very next year they started making all courses the college transfer type. I think I can attempt to test out of some of them, but not all. But again, thanks for the encouragement!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I went back for my BSN when I was about 35 and didn't finish until I was 38. There were a number of people who were older than me in the class of 44! What's nice about it is that you have experience as an RN so you have already gone through that horrid immediate post grad period. You can really knuckle down and look a little closer at nursing and come away with a better appreciation of what those who did master's and PhD work in it were doing. You will also have a nicer collegial relationship with your nursing instructors because you truly are an equal colleague with them. Let me warn you, however. Be prepared to be put through the wringer when it comes to writing papers and doing some library research. I never wrote so many term papers and care plans that approached the level of research papers in my whole life! Also, remember that you already went through basic nursing school, so getting a bachelor's degree is just more fluff for you. It's not so much the little bit more of nursing you're going to learn, but all the fancy hoops you're going to have to learn to jump through to qualify to get that bachelor's degree. There's a reason many employers in the business sector only want people with at least a bachelor's degree preparation working for them. It has to do with being able to do the kind of work expected of bachelor degree students. If everyone could do it, everyone would be getting one. I was in a BSN completion program where we all had our RNs already. Look for a program like that. I think you'll be much happier than if you get into a program where you are mainstreamed in with those who are still finishing up their basic nursing.

I'll be 28 when I start my accelerated BSN program in May. We'll all be at least 20 something, since we have to have a degree in something already. Where I am in FL, since you already have an RN, you would be able to take all or almost all classes online, part time or full, and pretty much at your own pace. Since you're not fighting for limited classroom and clinical instructor spots you don't have to deal with the intense competition either. I don't know if that's the same everywhere, but it gives you a lot more flexibility here. As far as masters' degrees go, I think I might like to work on one someday, but I'll definitely be at least 30 something since we want to have kids after I graduate. Good luck to you, and you're never too old. There are tons of second career nurses on the boards, and many in adult continuing education as well.

If it is something you want to do, you could look at it this way:

If you don't go for it, then at the ages of 40, 45, 50 plus you will not have your BSN. If you do it, you will have your BSN under your belt and may even want to pursue your MSN.

Follow your dreams. :nuke:

You're YOUNG! Geez! Lots of women go back in their 40's and 50's, and you're just barely into your 30's for crying out loud! Think of all the career opportunities it will open up for you in the future!!!!

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