Published Mar 19, 2014
29 Posts
I plan on going to a community college for my pre reqs but am I able to apply for nursing school anywhere? Or does it have to be at that college?
203bravo, MSN, APRN
1,211 Posts
you can apply to any school that you meet their admission requirements -- I also did my pre reqs at a community college then transferred to a local University to attend their BSN program.
Best of luck.
75 Posts
Different schools have different pre-reqs, so check to make sure the schools you want to apply to outside of your own have the same requirements. For example, the school I attend now does not require you to take nutrition as a pre req, but several schools in my area do. Also, check the minimum GPA requirements of other schools, they might not be the same as yours.
3,677 Posts
So long as you meet the requirements for the school to which you apply, you're good to go. The prereqs should transfer. They'll require a transcript.
Oh okay! Thanks yall! I will check that out when the time comes!
468 Posts
Prereqs are slightly variable. One school may require nutrition and another may not, etc. Generally it's pretty easy if they're in the same state and more complicated if they aren't. Schools may give a little bit of preference to students that have been taking prereqs at that school, but not much. It's very common to take prereqs at a CC and then transfer into uni. Or in my case I am taking prereqs at the university here but plan on moving and transferring to a school elsewhere before nursing school.
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,568 Posts
Good day, wannabenurse88:
While there seems to be a common core section of prerequisites all nursing schools require (you can typically count on it being AP1, AP2 -- same school, and microbiology), the list of total prerequisites vary per nursing school. For example, at the community college I'm attending they require a public speaking class where as the nursing school I'm transferring to doesn't require public speaking; instead, they require a nutrition class.
Thank you.
Thank you! One of my pre reqs is nutrition. Im just trying to get a general idea on what I can do