Afraid I won't be able to find a new position


Hi everybody,

I work on a busy surgical ward. Lately Iv'e been getting bullied by other staff. And the thought of going back after days off, I actually want to resign. However I have never resigned without having another job. I'm worried that I may not get a decent reference from my charge nurse because I don't want to wait out the required 4 weeks. I can't face going back to work tomorrow. I'm also worried that I might be blacklisted if I want to apply for a new job in the same hospital.

I would call Human Resources and find out the required time for notice. If you quit without sufficient notice you could be labeled as a no rehire by the entire hospital system. That could actually include a lot of places if your hospital is owned by a larger entity.

If you can afford it and you really can't handle the work environment go in tomorrow and hand in your formal notice. Do not ever quit without notice. Start í ½í±€ for another Job as well.

Have you talked to HR about the situation on the ward? They tend to take lateral violence very seriously.

I agree with the first poster who encouraged you to first find out the policy on giving notice. Do you need to give a four-week notice, or is a two-week notice acceptable?

I disagree with the poster who suggested you go to HR. Remember, HR exists to protect the hospital/company. They are NOT your friend, anymore than the NM is your friend. Both are in place to protect the facility. People often think incorrectly that HR represents employees, they don't. They represent the interests of the employer.

And if you go to HR with accusations of bullying, you will NEVER get a recommendation from your NM.

I clearly remember your first posts regarding the problems you were having with certain employees. From this latest post, I am assuming the situation has gotten worse, not better.

Plan your next moves very carefully. Call in sick for your next shift if you feel like you can't possibly work. Spend that time applying for new positions.

Keep us informed.

I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Yes, bullying in nursing happens all the time. I have no idea why people insist on denying that fact, or choose to blame the victim.

Good luck! You will get past this dreadful situation.

Are you able to talk to management? Go up your chain of command. And I agree. Call and see what your notice is. It's been two weeks anywhere that I have worked. How much experience do you have? If you have a year, I don't forsee you having issues getting a job elsewhere.

Don't forget you could always look for clinics, urgent cares, infusion clinics if you dont have any other good hospitals in the area.

I disagree with the poster who suggested you go to HR. Remember, HR exists to protect the hospital/company. They are NOT your friend, anymore than the NM is your friend. Both are in place to protect the facility. People often think incorrectly that HR represents employees, they don't. They represent the interests of the employer.

Yes, but they also frown on anything that may cause a lawsuit-such as lateral violence like bullying.

Thanks for that. I love being a nurse and helping others is what Ive always done. But the culture of bullying one another. Its really sad and embarrassing. I'm not sure if I should lay low and wait then leave. I'm gen surg and theres a orthopaedic vacancy. Then I was thinking rehab but I want to have to options. Not sure if they would accept me. Since I started on my current unit my sick days have sky rocketed and I can't say that Ive enjoyed going there each day. I like the work, patients but not the staff. I'm a minority there (theres only 3 of us) and its hard. Kind of like being in high school, little groups everywhere.

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