Affordable Online RN-to-BSN Programs

Are you a nurse with a diploma or associate degree and a desire to further your education without accumulating a staggering amount of student loan debt? Below you will find a list of affordable online RN-to-BSN degree completion programs. Nursing Students Online Learning Article


For a myriad of reasons, many nurses who are educated at the diploma or associate degree level are wanting to return to school to earn a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree. For instance, managerial personnel at numerous acute care hospitals across the US are requiring currently-employed nurses to earn the BSN degree within a certain time frame. Conversely, nurses who do not comply with this requirement are faced with the very real risk of demotion or outright termination of employment. In addition, some nursing professionals are intrinsically motivated to further their schooling because they are looking to augment their knowledge base and receive well-rounded educations.

Are you a nursing professional with an associates degree or diploma who wants to pursue higher education without accruing a ridiculous amount of student loan debt? If so, you might want to look more closely into the online RN-to-BSN programs that have been listed below. Also, feel free to post a response if you know of any other reputable online RN-to-BSN degree completion programs that offer affordability and value.

Fort Hays State University

Fort Hays State University, based in Kansas, offers an accredited online RN-to-BSN degree completion program through their Virtual College. Students who are enrolled in the Virtual College pay the affordable rate of $186 per credit hour at the time of this update (March 2015).

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette is a respected school that offers a fully accredited online RN-to-BSN degree completion program. Tuition is $316.66 per credit hour at the time of this writing. Estimated tuition for the entire RN-to-BSN program is less than $10,000 for nursing courses.

Ohio University

Ohio University is another reputable school that offers an accredited online RN-to-BSN degree completion program with attractively priced tuition. At the time of this writing, tuition is $240 per credit hour for residents of Ohio, and $243 per credit for students who reside out of state.

University of Texas at Arlington

The University of Texas at Arlington offers a popular, well respected, very affordable, fully accredited, and totally online RN-to-BSN degree completion program. Tuition for the online RN-to-BSN courses is $257 per credit hour at the time of this writing.

With an innovative competency-based model that allows busy professionals to complete their degree requirements in an accelerated time frame, Western Governors University is growing in popularity. Tuition for the online, fully accredited RN-to-BSN program is $3250 per 6-month term. Many people have completed the program in less than 12 months, and some have even finished in less than six months.

University of Arkansas Grantham

Grantham University, a private for-profit virtual college, offers a nationally-accredited RN-to-BSN degree completion program that is affordable, convenient and user-friendly. The tuition of $265 per credit hour certainly places Grantham University's RN-to-BSN program into an affordable category when compared to other similar programs.

Lamar University

Lamar University, a respectable public university located in southeast Texas, offers an accredited online RN-to-BSN completion program. The tuition of $283 per credit hour makes this program affordable for students who want to pursue higher learning while minimizing costs.

Eastern New Mexico University

Eastern New Mexico University, a public university located in Portales, offers a CCNE-accredited RN-to-BSN degree completion program that is 100% online. At $203 per semester hour, this program is an absolute bargain. Out-of-state students qualify for the low in-state tuition and fees if enrolled on a part-time basis.

Purdue University

Kaplan University, an investor-owned private for-profit institution of higher learning, offers a CCNE-accredited RN-to-BSN program that is also 100% online. The tuition of $315 per credit may not be the lowest-priced, but it is still worthy of inclusion on our list.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
rose407 said:
University of arlington wanted me to take a texas history forget that.

Texas has a state law mandating that all people who are conferred degrees from Texas schools must take and pass coursework in Texas history/govt.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

UPDATE: I have another affordable school to add to the list. Grantham University offers an online RN-to-BSN degree completion program with tuition of $265 per credit as of the time of this writing.

Specializes in Cardiac,Research,L&D,PACU,OR.

Grantham University has only DETC accrediattion, no CCNE.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Another affordable online RN-to-BSN degree completion program is offered by Eastern New Mexico University. Tuition is in the $200 range per credit and students from out of state receive the affordable in-state rates if enrolled part-time.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

UPDATE: I have added a few more affordable RN-to-BSN programs, some of which are not heavily advertised, to the front page.

1. Eastern New Mexico University

2. Kaplan University

3. Grantham University

4. Lamar University

Do any of these colleges accept students who received their RN from a school not accredited by the NLN?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
RubicsCube said:
Do any of these colleges accept students who received their RN from a school not accredited by the NLN?

The answer to your question is yes. Click on the link below, as it contains a list of reputable, accredited RN-to-BSN completion programs that accept RNs who attended unaccredited diploma or associate degree programs.

Thanks for this useful info.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
cryssa28 said:
Grantham University has only DETC accrediattion, no CCNE.

Although Grantham University's institutional accreditation is through DEAC, all of its nursing programs are accredited by the CCNE.

Go to Nightingale College. I attended their program at 375/semester credit and graduated in 8 months. I did not need to do their prereqs, if you do you need to add 1 semester. Hope this helps.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

Why not add Aspen University to the list?