advise needed.. change areas of nursing


Specializes in psych, medical, drug rehab.

Hello everyone.

I have a question and I am hoping for some guidance. I am currently on a travel position and have been working psych since 1997. Usually I have two jobs and work psych as well as some sort of med/surg such as community nursing or private/agency home care with high tech pediatrics , vents etc

However in the last couple of years I have not done that due to travel nursing. I have only focused on psych. I have been a nurse since 1988 and have a variety of different experiences.

I really want to get out of psych and do something different but my concern is that i have been out of some areas so long and /or I do not have current experience that i am not sure I would be hired for a different area.What does everyone think? I know I have seen some of these issues posted in the past but I am not sure what my recourse realistically should be.

Any feedback much appreciated.


If I were interviewing you for a med-surg unit I would be delighted with your experience and maturity, place you with a preceptor to help you get over the "re-learning" process and be glad you came my way!

Specializes in psych, medical, drug rehab.

Oh thank you Purplemania! That was the nicest thing anyone has said to me! :)

Actually I did interview 2 yrs ago in SC for a med/surg position and the nurse manager did not want to hire me due to the fact that I had not been on a floor for awhile.In the end I was grateful she did not hire me. I was not impressed with her interview technique and she was not engaging nor made good eye contact. The hospital was offering a 10,000 sign on bonus and based on the type of questions asked of me during my interview it was apparent what the issues were and why they did not have good employee retention. It was a good learning experience and one that I was/am thankful for.

I would like to check out the Washington D.C area and the surrounding areas. I hope I run into someone like yourself who validates that I do have much to offer.

Thank you again!:roll

Specializes in Corrections, Psych, Med-Surg.

"The hospital was offering a 10,000 sign on bonus "

A VERY clear warning sign in itself.

But to directly answer your question, it all depends on the specific hospital you want to work in, what the local market situation is for that nurse specialty, and the orientation/training programs that facility offers. So you'll probably have to decide on a few hospitals that seem like places you want to work and go talk to each one. You are wise to keep your intuitive eyes and ears open in this process, as you already seem to be doing.

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