Advice wanted( huge decision) Pre- Nursing

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


  1. What should I do?

    • 3
      Be optimistic and move forward
    • 0
      Cut your losses from now and don't waste money

3 members have participated

Hello. I am currently an undecided student with a few pre-reqs (non-science) related completed. I am in the midst of transferring colleges right now because I really want to get into Nursing. I applied to a school and was offered 12,000 in scholarships. However, due to not completing a few pre- reqs, I didn't apply to the School of Nursing within the university. My plan is to complete the pre-reqs in the school of arts and sciences and then transfer into the Nursing program.Once enrolled, transferring into the Nursing program would be an internal process. I would meet with deans, have an interview, and they will determine my fate from there. I am currently finishing up some science pre-reqs online, however, the school of arts and sciences will not accept the credits. The nursing program will however, if accepted. My issue now is:should I continue taking the online credits to proceed forward or cut my losses from now just in case I don't get in?

I can't even follow this...

I wouldn't take classes that might not be accepted by a school/program that I might want to attend, though. Keep your options open until you're 100% sure about what you want to do and 100% sure that you'll be able to do it.

I'm not sure how the college won't accept the credits but a program within that college will? Either a credit transfers and is equivalent or it isn't. Because if the overall university doesn't accept a class that you have to have to graduate with an ADN/BSN, then you might have to retake the classes to get your degree.

I'd consult again with the university to determine exactly how that could affect your degree.

My one thought is that it might affect your GPA if you drop the class. I have dropped classes on time but the class still shows on my transcript. That's the one thing I would check before dropping.

Sorry if its all over the place. I applied to the schools regular arts and sciences program.The School of Arts and Sciences within the university won't accept the credits if I was to not into the school of nursing. The school of nursing would however accept the credits towards my pre- reqs.

I'm honestly still confused by what you mean. Are you taking the online courses through this university or another one? If it's through this one, then I'm very confused by how the university would offer a class that wouldn't be accepted by one college at the university but would be accepted by a program within that college. In that case, I'd research why this is and determine if that's the best place to get any degree. I'd be a little wary of that until I got a good explanation. If you are taking online classes at another college, it is maybe that they won't evaluate your transcript until you get into the nursing program? I know when I went back, the community college I went to wouldn't evaluate my previous degree's transcript until I was in an actual program, whether that was nursing or any bachelor's program. However, it's not that they weren't accepting those credits, just that they only evaluated when they needed to.

And, assuming it's not an issue of sketchy practices, I see no reason to cut your losses right now? If your university is regionally accredited, you would be able to apply to multiple programs beyond just this one after you finish your prereqs. So it's not like this one program would be your only shot. I wouldn't recommend applying to just one program anyway.

I'm not sure........but perhaps OP means that some of his/her classes are accepted as credit for requirements toward one degree, but not the other?

For example, Communication 2000 will fulfill a requirement for Nursing undergraduate/requirements, but not for a specific degree in the College of Arts/Sciences if your degree ends up being from that particular school. I'm just making up this example, but OP is this what you mean?

Also, please just double-check w/ your college if you can even change majors. Many colleges nowadays don't even allow changing if the major you want to change to is impacted. At least I know this is the case in some California state colleges.

Sorry if its all over the place. I applied to the schools regular arts and sciences program.The School of Arts and Sciences within the university won't accept the credits if I was to not into the school of nursing. The school of nursing would however accept the credits towards my pre- reqs.

Thats not how it works, at least at any university Ive attended.

Colleges within a university dont make transfer credit decisions.

1. You submit your official transcripts to the university.

2. The decision on transfer credit is typically made by the admissions and registrar's office.

3. After you state your major they then decide which credits apply to the major you have chosen. Any credits which dont apply to that specific degree are referred to as being "fall through" credits or courses. Its not that the credits werent "accepted", its that they simply dont apply to your present chosen degree program.

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