Published Dec 30, 2014
2 Posts
Hi all!
I am in great need of advice regarding my current per diem nursing job. I'm full time at another hospital and love it, but have been working per diem
at a different hospital for 6 months for extra $$$.
Long story short. Was hired per diem and was eventually talked into working part time by the CNO and CEO (it's a smaller hospital and they are on sight all the time.) I worked part time for 2 months and switched back to per diem 10 weeks ago. My pay rate has not returned to per diem pay - huge difference hourly! I've sent multiple emails and left voicemails to both the CNO (whom I had the discussion with regarding returning to per diem status and who handled everything when I initially switched from per diem to part time prior) and the CNO about my pay rate being incorrect. I've since contacted them at least 5 times regarding this problem and have not gotten a resolution. No HR, as CEO and CNO do their HR. I finally have time to go by their offices tomorrow to discuss this in person (my per diem days are usually on weekends, so I have not seen them in person since I switched to per diem) and I live an hour away, so going there on a day off isn't quite ideal!
I can't help but be angry and want to just quit on the spot tomorrow because they owe me a hefty amount of pack pay at this point and are completely ignoring the issue! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
calivianya, BSN, RN
2,418 Posts
Dang! I'd be mad, too. Try to be as calm as possible when you go in there - do some relaxation exercises/meditation in the car before you go in, if you can. Money screw ups are especially infuriating when you're getting underpaid!
I would try my level best to act like I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt when I was in there if I were you. Say things like, "I know you are busy, but I would like to know when this is going to get resolved and when I am going to receive my back pay." Going in with anger won't do you any favors in the getting things moving department. Of course, if they say something dumb along the lines of you're not getting your back pay or something, then you have my full blessing to show some frustration. :)
Good luck!
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
I'd send a copy of your new contract to payroll. That may get things rolling.
3,726 Posts
My style with these kinds of discussions is more of a calm brick wall and I use 3rd person (?) instead of "I" or "You" ie "My pay structure needs to be corrected going back to Oct 1st when my position formally changed to Per Diem."
This is business, not personal and I think it's best to not let it stray if you want to portray that you will handle this using professional/legal channels without spelling it out and breaking down into an emotionally argument.
1,198 Posts
I certainly wouldn't work another shift until the pay issue is resolved.
Thank you for all the wonderful advice! I marched my booty into the CNO's office today and got it all worked out :) After very calmly and politely telling him that I'd be unable to work another shift until this is sorted out, we came to a resolution which gives me my back pay and appropriate pay rate and he keeps me as a per diem RN there! Win-win! Thank you again! :)