Hey everyone!
I am a new grad RN and I'm working in a 25-bed MICU at a university hospital system. I LOVE my job and am done with orientation next month - WOOHOO! :) I am nervous but excited at the same time - I work with a very supportive, helpful staff.
I wanted to ask for some advice, though, because these past few weeks I have come across my first real bump in the road as a new nurse, and I'm just kinda struggling with it. The past few weeks on my unit we have seen many very young patients, like my age or younger, die. Most have been withdrawal of life support situations, but it's been hard on everyone. I took care of a couple of these patients, and it's still on my mind. Does anyone else feel this way? Is this normal? I worked in an open heart SICU as a tech before graduation and witnessed several codes and many deaths there. It's not like this is new, but being the nurse resposible for a dying patient IS new and very emotional for me. Sometimes I worry about my family now, and worry that they will die a traumatic death like some of these patients. I am feeling much better this week and I did fine two nights ago when one of my DNR patients with pulmonary fibrosis was dying...I was okay afterward, too. I love what I do and my preceptor says I am doing fine. I don't want to change areas, but I didn't think I would be hit this hard. Any advice on how to deal with this more effectively?? I would really appreciate any words of wisdom. :)
Thanks everyone.