advice? so depressed.

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Hi everyone!

I am 2 months into my nursing program. I spend literally all of my time studying. As soon as spring break hit, I realized I had lost myself in the madness. I feel like I don't know myself anymore. I'm depressed, haven't felt like reaching out to anyone and I have a tightness in my throat. I've made plans to study, but because I'm so unhappy it takes me twice as long to do the work. I work out 4 times a week before class...but I feel like its not good enough. My biggest issue is I am not my carefree silly, loving self anymore. I've become depressed, meek, a little jealous at times, and a computer and TV whore. Getting out into the real world and having fun seems so difficult because I don't feel free. I feel shackled down, and heavy.


Get out your calendar.

Pick one day a week and add "Walk outside for one hour" to it, with a time, every week, without fail.

It doesn't look like much but it really will help. I know you don't think so, but do it anyway. Research shows that looking at the sky (blue with irregular white shapes) puts more endorphins in your brain and improves mood without drugs. And it gets you out of your head better than anything. Think of it as maintenance therapy. :) {{Katlove10}}

Make sure you're staying in the current day. I find that when I'm very anxious and depressed I'm thinking too far ahead . If you remember you need to do a task write it down for when it needs to be done but otherwise focus on the day you're in...

Along with all of the other posts, this is really important! I have also noticed that when I am feeling overly stressed out and anxious, I am thinking and looking too far ahead. For instance, I found myself getting really stressed out last night about a test and paper that are not due for over a full week and for which I have already spent ample time studying for. I had to remind myself that I have already been preparing for it and still have plenty of time for further preparation.

Like others have said, remind yourself of what led you to nursing in the first place and make time for yourself as well!

And also try to remember that from a lifelong perspective, your time spent in nursing school is only a brief moment in time that is helping to get you where you want to be. I know it's hard to see time that way when you are young, but trust me, when you graduate, and you will, you will look back and realize that it actually flew by and you will be grateful that you stuck it out!!!

Short and simple, this isn't going to last forever. Whats a few years of your life versus a whole life of an amazing career and financial security?

That alone helped me get through nursing school. I studied my butt off and literally had no social life. Im very thankful my friends still talked to me after neglecting them haha.

What exactly is it that is primarily responsible for your feelings? Is it isolation? Unrealistic expectations for yourself? Having doubts about nursing? Genuine hopeless feeling depression? Answering this would go a long way toward deciding what to do next.

There is no program in the world that requires 24/7 studying. Take the time for self care.

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