adult learners

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in geriatric and military hospital.

just out of curiousity do any of the adult learners participate in any of the university you are attending's activities , or do you just attend class and and only go out to the school when you have to for classes or studying?

I will be starting as a Jr. at a University and I don't think I'll go to campus that often outside of class even though I would like to. I have never had this experience before so I do plan on joining the student nurse organization and they have an org. for adult learners which I would like to join. I don't know how much i'll have time for so we'll have to see. Are you going to get involved on campus?

just out of curiousity do any of the adult learners participate in any of the university you are attending's activities , or do you just attend class and and only go out to the school when you have to for classes or studying?

I am just lucky to make it to class and get all my assignments and studying done!

I am a "single mom" (hsuband is in the military and NEVER around because he is stationed elsewhere), I need to take care of a big house and lawn, pets, I volunteer for the Boyscouts (my son is a Cubsout)

My personal entertainment is working out at a gym in my free time so that I won't turn into dust because I am not a spring chicken anymore either.

With being pulled in all directions, with my kids and home responsibilities, no, I do not get involved with other activities. We had a honors dinner hosted by our school which I attended, but that's all.

Specializes in geriatric and military hospital.

i have 2 kids at home a 2 1/2 yr old and a almost 5 yr old so not sure if i will join any activities or not.

do you need to of already been accepted into the nursing school to do student nurses association or can pre-nursing students join as well?

i may on occassion attend a few of the home sporting events because that would be something i could take the kids with me to but otherwise i will probably just be going to campus to attend classes.

we had thought about living on campus but we have decided against it for now

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

I think this is a really important issue for adult learners. While most people know that it's not reasonable to expect the same degree of engagment outside the classroom from adults with lots of other responsibilities .... no one has really addressed the issue of the disadvantages of that reality. In other words, "Are there benefits to such activities that adult learners are missing?" ... and ... "How can adult learners compensate for not having those benefits?"

Now, I'm not saying that there are lots of direct benefits from activities such as drunken parties and sporting events. But there are some advantages to interactions that occur outside the classroom. For example, being on campus ocassionally may help someone identify and use some of the resources there -- like the library, counseling services, tutoring services, etc.

For some people, their classmates and faculty may be the only people in their immediate social sphere who are college-educated and socially linked to other college-educated people. Sometimes, getting on the right career path and/or landing the best job is related to "who you know" -- and college gives you the opportunity to make good connections. If you are not taking advantage of those opportunities to mix and mingle with that crowd, then you may be missing out on the career advantages later.

There is also something very valuable in having a meal and socializing a bit with upper-classmen. These are people who can give you tips on how to succeed in school and otherwise help you prepare for the experiences to come. It's also helpful to chat with them (and your classmates) a bit to put events and issues into perspective -- hear other perspectives on the material, etc.

It's all part of the socialization process of becoming a nurse and moving up the career ladder. That socialization to the role includes more than just passing the classes and people who miss it completely are putting themselves at a professional disadvantage.

I am thinking that participation in an online communuity (such as this one) would help accomplish some of the same things -- but it would be an interesting thing to study.

Good thread.

I'm going to join the student nurse association, and I was thinking about maybe getting involved in student government. I'm only going to be working a miniscule number of hours, and we don't have kids, so I thought I might try to participate a little.

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