Adult 1 and 2 Failure Rate at Baptist


Why is the failure rate for Adult health 1 and 2 so high at Baptist in Memphis,TN? I always here that almost have of the class fails Adult 1 and then some more drop off in Adult 2. Any idea's. Any idea's on how to study or what to study would be helpful. Thanks for all comments in advance.

Not quite sure.....Everybody I know that went to Baptist hated the school.

i didnt go to Baptist but that sounds just like my school. I just graduated in may from a community college nursing school and it was the same there. Alot of people failed out in adult 1 and then a good amount more in 2. when we asked why this is the instructors told us that a school that curns out good nurses has a higher failure rate. food for thought..... i didnt think it was a good reason myself

forgot to mention but the school i went to was in florida

I graduated from Baptist. We had between a fourth and half fail adult 1 & then a few more fail adult 2. I'm not sure if these classes are still short terms or full terms but for the short terms as we had, there was so much info for the amount of time. Plus, just the info in general is so much more entailed than like foundations. Study the pictures/diagrams, nursing tips in the margins, etc. These places will have most need to know info & a good place to pull test ques. Hope this info helps.

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