ADN program transfer


I am a student at a community college in california and have a question about applying to ASN and BSN programs at as many colleges as possible. I have had difficulty getting a hold of couselors at the colleges. If i am a student at one community college can i apply to all of the other ASN nursing programs in my area or do most community colleges want you to be a current student with them, or do they require you to have a certain amount of units or classes completed with them? are the general education and prerequisites usually pretty similare for all of the community colleges in the area?

Specializes in Cardiac care/Ortho/LTC/Education/Psych.


If you are just looking to apply to any ADN or BSN as far as I know in NY most of them look into your Anatomy, Chemistry, Language,Math, but the easiest way is to go to them directly or if you can not get in touch with an adviser( trust me most of them are running from you! :o ) ask the chair person ; just state an interesting question why they do not want your money and your knowledge and you will be suprised how fast they become:rotfl:

Almost every US school now has a web page. Do a google search for the names of the schools then look at their catalog online. They may even have a contact number or email where you can leave a message. If possible, drive over to the school and ask to talk to someone in admissions. Be persistant but polite and I bet you'll get results. You sound like a nurse already - playing all the options!! Good luck.

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